16 | Finally sorry

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TW: ed, mental health topics in general, nothing detailed


I was discharged an hour ago and surprisingly I hate it. Because I know what's coming. And what's coming is scary. What's coming is Alex and his safety plan. I don't want a safety plan. And I don't need one. I'm not ill. I'm just sad sometimes. No big deal.

I thanked the lord above when Caleb came to pick me up. He said Alex had business to do. Which means he either got laid, killed some people or made a business deal which will earn us a couple more million dollars. In any way good for him.

I am currently in my room texting Luke. He keeps talking to me about wanting to come over but being too busy with school. Can't relate to be honest. Alex has strictly forbid me going to school. Everybody besides me seems to be pleased with that.

I however hate how they keep things from me. So I pulled some strings and got myself a burner phone. Something I can use to reach websites my brothers had somehow banned from my current phone. As I'm reading the current gossip, Eli and Caleb burst into my room. I almost pissed myself if I'm being honest.

"We are taking you shopping little depresso espresso" Elijah announces. I laugh at the new nickname. I agree to going out. I'm surprised they even left me alone for an hour. I bet they forgot me and Alex wasn't there to yell at them for that.

Turns out Dylan is driving us. I'm alright with that. I get to pick the car and I decided to be basic and go with the SUV. We arrive at the mall and start our shopping spree at Gucci. After we also went to buy some Louis Vitton, Dior, Armani and Balenciaga. By Elijah's demand we also went to Saint Laurent. When it was my turn to pick a store I decided for Prada and Hermes. Caleb was happy enough with Dior earlier. Dylan didn't care. If you think Kylie Jenner and the Kardashians are rich then the digits in our bank accounts will kill you.

"Hey Dyl, you up for some food?" Elijah asks. I freeze. Everybody seems to agree so I drag myself along with them. We go to KFC and I get some Starbucks on the way. We order our food and sit down at the back of the restaurant.

I was scrolling on my phone when I had the greatest idea ever. I whispered to Dylan. He almost spit out his coke. "That's a 2,2 million dollar car Kiara" he whispers. "So?" I try to act innocent. "I'm not buying you a McLaren Speedtail" he blurts out.

Elijah almost dropped his chicken and Caleb froze. I don't know what the big deal is. "Are you trying to piss Alex off?" Caleb asks. "No, I just want a new car" I say fluttering my eyelashes. "You're 16. You're not getting a 2 million dollar car. How about a new iPhone?" Dylan tries to convince me.

"Fine." I finally agree smirking. I wanted another phone so I can have one phone for show and the other for the times I get my show phone taken away.

We got me the iPhone 14 Pro Max. And then Luke called. We agreed to meet up later. He will come to my place and we can have a sleepover like kids. But for now my brothers wanted to spend time with me.
So we went home, unpacked all of our stuff, set up my phone and finally decided whose room I have to sleep in tonight. Yay.

Caleb cooked us baguettes and we watched some Netflix until the doorbell rang. Dylan went to get it. Luke came in all his glory. He had a huge speaker on his shoulder and he looked like a rapper.

I laughed the moment "Barbie girl" started blasting from the speaker. Elijah and Caleb were amused too. Dylan disappeared soon. A part of me was worried. Why was Alex keeping away from me? Why isn't Chris anywhere close? Why is Dylan acting weird?

Only Luke was normal. Caleb and Elijah too but they were kind of cautious around me. It was a bit triggering. Like sure I tried to delete myself but that was days ago. Old news.

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