14 | Don't let him break you

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TW: drug use talk



Fucking hell. FUCK ME. Why? Why do it? Why not come to us? What the fuck?!

I'm not supposed to react. I'm not supposed to. I can't lose my cool. I can't. Shit.

I look at Alex. He catches my look and nods to himself. "Everybody out. Chris stays." He says. Caleb tries to protest since he is the one holding her but Alex shoots him down immediately. Just me and her now. Me and Kiara. It won't end like last time. No. Last time Caleb and Elijah interfered. This time I won't lose my cool.

"Why not come to us?" I finally get words out. She sits on her bed. "Come to you?" she mumbles. "If needed. Elijah, Caleb any of us really. Why not come to us?" I try to stay calm.

"How do you go from pretending to be fine to telling your overprotective brothers that you want to fucking off yourself?" she asks me.

"I don't know. Never done it before" I admit while rubbing the bridge of my nose. I decide to sit also. "I thought you hated me" she says quietly but loudly enough for me to hear. "I did. But then I remembered that I love you more. You're my sister for God's sake" I say. "How?"


"How did you try to do it yesterday?" I ask. I will regret this later. "Drugs" she replies. "It didn't work and you knew it wouldn't" I point out. She lifts her sleeve and fuck I don't want to look. "Drugs first, wrists later. One of two would at least work right...I wish. God with my luck I could fall out of the sky and somehow survive" she rambles. The cuts are deep. "Look at it like a superpower" I suggest but she shoots me a glare.

"Why do you want to die so bad?" I ask. A little bluntly maybe. "I'm not explaining that to you" she says bitterly. "Because of me? It's because of our fight right" I question standing up. "No-"
"It's because I'm a bad bad brother isn't it" there goes my cool. "God can't you fucking see how you're destroying yourself?!" she stays silent just looking me, now also standing. "You're in front of me and I can see how fucking broken you are. Didn't mom and dad teach you to never break?" her face drops. "They might have taught me a lot of shit but not the right way" she says. I can hear her angry.

"Stop. Stop hurting yourself. Just stop being that broken person. It's not that fucking difficult" I know I'm bitter. Maybe being honest will snap her back to normal. To the Kie that flipped you off if you even opened your mouth. I want normal Kiara back.

"You don't get to tell me how easy it is or not" she hisses. "It's not my fucking fault mom and dad didn't want to raise you. We did! You can't blame me for anything right now Kiara!"

"You killed a kid! You killed me! A fucking kid! You were supposed to love me Chris! That's all I ever wanted!" she was crying.

"How!? I was always there! I didn't shove those pills down your throat!" I'm now yelling. "THE SECOND THAT PLATE LEFT YOUR HAND YOU KILLED ME. THE VERY SECOND. YOU KILLED THE ONLY PART OF MY SOUL THAT WAS ALIVE STILL." she was screaming crying . Our brothers rushed in sometime during her screaming and Elijah caught Kie as she fell to her knees right into a panic attack. Dylan went to call a doctor, Caleb was staring at me angrily and Alex ignored my existence as he made his way to her.

"Don't let him break you. You're better than that Kiara. I need you to listen to me bambina. You're enough. You did well. Don't let anybody break you tesoro" he kept talking. She was sobbing.

"I need you to look at me sorellina. Look at me. I know you can do it. Stai andando bene. Just look at me. Forget everything else. Name me everything wrong with my face right now" he continued. Kie laughed through sobs.

Nothing Ever Lasts Forever | BOOK 1 ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora