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I was playing beer pong when this girl from my class ran up to me. I think her name was Sarah. "Caleb, Kiara is your sister right?" she says with a worried look on her face. I nod slightly getting worried too. "I found her in the downstairs bedroom and I think somebody took advantage" she said. I felt anger boiling inside me. "Why do you think that?" I asked trying to keep calm. "She wasn't moving and she barely had enough strength to tell me her name. She had bruises all over" Sarah kept talking. I asked her to show me directions. I saw Elijah near the bar flirting with some girls. As soon as he saw my face he ran over to me.

Sarah led us to the room and we saw Kiara. Our Kie, our tesoro, our baby sister. She looked so weak. I grabbed her close to me and I felt her shaking and crying. I felt like I couldn't let go. I told Elijah to call Alex and the others and right after I tried to ask Kie what happened but she kept quiet.

When Elijah came back he grabbed her hand. Sarah went to greet our older brothers as they arrived. I heard Chris yelling at the party people and soon enough Alex, Dylan and Chris rushed in. Their faces dropped as they saw Kiara in my arms. I hadn't looked at her body yet but I followed their eyes. She was bruised up. We were all furious. Chris punched a wall, Alex called someone and Dylan stayed with us.

At home I offered to stay with her for the night. Elijah also made his bed on the floor. She was finally asleep so I decided to get some sleep too. But that's when I heard her talking in her sleep. I called Elijah over to listen.

"Stop please" she cried out. "No. I said no. That's all it is supposed to take!" she continued. I wanted to calm her down but I couldn't. A part of me was hoping that she would say his name. "Carl stop!"
That's all I needed. I shushed her and she calmed down eventually. Elijah was already out the door. I knew he had gone to find Chris. Carl was Chris' best friend. Carl Anderson.



"Carl stop!"
That asshole. I saw red. I left Caleb to calm Kie down as I ran to find Chris.
He was asleep in his room. I barged in and he awoke. "What the fuck dude?!" He groaned. I grabbed his blanket off him. And he stood up. "Your stupid friend fucking raped our sister!" I yelled at him. "What?" he seemed confused. "Carl was the one that raped Kie" I say throwing a pillow at him. Alex and Dylan rushed in the room.

"What's going on? We heard yelling?" Alex asked immediately. "Chris' best friend raped Kiara" I say. All of their faces go pale including Chris. Caleb rushed in the room. "Keep it down will you? I can barely keep her asleep!" he said.

Chris sat down in disbelief. He rubbed his eyes. "Carl did that?" he finally asked. Caleb nodded. "I'll talk to him" Chris then stated. "No. I will murder him first" I said. Dylan grabbed my shoulder. Hold up.
If everybody was here...then who was with Kie? I guess it hit both Caleb and I at the same time as we rushed back to her.

She wasn't in bed. We found her standing in front of her mirror seemingly scratching her arms. "Kie?" I approached her slowly. "I want him off" she whimpered. "You're making yourself bleed tesoro" Caleb said. "I can't get him off" she sobbed as she fell on her knees. Caleb caught her and wrapped his arms around her once again.

The others rushed to us. I guess they finally caught up. It was actually pretty heartbreaking. Watching Kiara fall apart like that because some motherfucker laid his hands on her and his dick inside her. I saw Chris' eyes getting teary. His best mate had done this and he felt guilty. "Kiara you should go back to bed" Alex said trying to push down his anger and sound loving. "I can't get him off" Kie whispers before falling asleep in Caleb's arms.

Nothing Ever Lasts Forever | BOOK 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now