0 | Introduction

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Character instruction (age based)

Alex Alessandro Carpenter (25)
The oldest Carpenter sibling also the legal guardian, strict, protective, loving, handsome, rich, popular.
He would do anything for his family and he craves respect from them. The leader of the family business.
Most likely the one to yell at everybody

Dylan Alfonso Carpenter (23)
Second oldest Carpenter sibling. Bubbly, loving, protective. Loves Disney movies.
He is the one that handles Alex when needed
Most likely the one that stays quiet during arguments.

Christopher Andreas Carpenter (20)
The third oldest Carpenter sibling. Mans can cook. Loves to act all bossy and mean when in reality he's a sweetheart.
Most likely the one to pull a gun on somebody random

Caleb Aron Carpenter (18)
The fourth oldest Carpenter sibling. Can't cook to save his life. Pretends to not like Kiara but in reality is probably the most protective over her.
Most likely to get caught doing illegal stuff.

Elijah Atlas Carpenter (16)
The fifth oldest Carpenter sibling, also Kiara's twin. He was born before her. They look similar. He likes volleyball and soccer. He enjoys sneaking out and going to parties.
Most likely to accidentally burn the house down

Kiara Athena Carpenter (16)
The youngest Carpenter sibling. The baby, the princess, the prized possession. She likes rings and dancing, also singing and painting. Kiara is the most talented of the family. She does have a fair share of issues which her brothers DO NOT know about :/.
Most likely to sell her soul for others' happiness and piss off her siblings in the process.

These are the main characters. I don't want to add their friends here because you will meet them later anyways.

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