Levi knows that the emperor is not in his right mind.

After losing the empress...

Erwin has become unstable.

"Your majesty!"

Sir Levi immediately blocked Erwin's view, he grabbed his collar just to wake him up.

The maid immediately moved away, tearing up while holding her bruised arm.

"Leave. No one should speak about what happened today. If I hear this spreading around the palace or even outside, your tongues will be fed to the wolves in the forest."

The maids all bowed their heads from fear as they saw Sir Levi's deathly glare, and his cold tone that is really fearful.

Sir Levi watched as the maid sprinted away. When everyone was gone, and him and the emperor were the only ones in the hallway, he turned his attention back to Erwin.

Levi's brows furrowed, seeing the tears on Erwin's eyes, and how the emperor seemed to have begun having a hard time to breathe.


"It wasn't her, Erwin."


"It wasn't her, your majesty."

Erwin snapped out of his thoughts. He looked at Sir Levi who's now in front of him. The deafening silence that made him lose his surroundings changed, and the noise around can be heard.

The people he thought was gone are suddenly crowding in the streets.

But most importantly, the woman he saw and thought was his wife is not actually his wife.

Princess Keiko approached him, pushing Sir Levi aside. The woman held his face, her warm hands that feels like just his wife.

"Are you...okay?"

Erwin felt a painful throb in his head, seeing his wife in Keiko, hearing his wife's voice in Keiko, and even feeling his wife in Keiko.

The emperor clenched his jaw. He gently held princess Keiko's hand, and slowly pushed her away from him.

"I'm sorry, princess Keiko. I'm tired. I wish to go back now. Let's talk tomorrow."

Erwin turned his back on Keiko, and walked out. Sir Levi and Lady Mikasa immediately followed behind the blond man, leaving Princess Keiko and her people behind.


"It would be a big problem if other people heard about this. They will think that his majesty is sick in the head."

Mikasa kept her sword, she kept quiet while her cousin, sir Levi talks about the emperor and what happened today.

"If the council realizes that his majesty began to become unstable, they will have to remove him from the throne."

"The factions are loyal to him. I think they won't be a problem." Mikasa said.

Levi let out a sigh. "Probably. But what about the church's influence? The imperial government...may be powerful, but the church has the same authority. And what about the allies of our empire? If they discover the emperor's situation, they will surely make a move to depose him."

Mikasa looked up at the night sky, seeing only a few stars which reminds her of the empress. The empress has always loved to star-gaze at night, saying how beautiful they are. Giving beauty to the darkness.

And now she's one of them.

"If the emperor is removed from the throne, the crown prince will be forced to rule Eldia at such a young age..."

Thy Empress (Erwin Smith x FEM! Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu