"Well," Aonung nodded, rolling his eyes in response. "I'm serving my purpose then."

"Good morning, everyone," Tsireya said, her sweet voice brightening the atmosphere.

"Hey," Loak greeted her with a smile, and she giggled shyly.

"I hope you guys are off to an excellent start," Tsireya continued. "Today, my brother, Rotxo, and I will teach you how to free-dive effectively."

"That's fantastic. Sounds like fun," Neteyam nodded, glancing at his siblings in excitement.

"Yeah, I'm down," Loak nodded.

"Yipee, a real party," Kiri mumbled, focusing on her food.

"Aren't you all a lively bunch?" Aonung joked, his eyes flitting from one person to the next and landing on Katiya.

"Well, thank Eywa I don't have to put up with you today, fishbreath," Katiya said, glaring at Aonung as she got up to leave with her leaf plate.

"Wait, Kati, you are not joining us?" Tsireya asked.

Katiya shook her head and turned on her heels.

"Hey, pretty face!" Aonung hollered at her, a playful tone evident in his voice. "Did you enjoy the fish you ate? You know, just curious from one fishbreath to another."

Katiya turned around and walked back to him, eyebrows furrowed in anger.

"Whoa, whoa, hey!" Neteyam stammered, standing up to stop his sister.

Aonung glanced up at Katiya with a smile, unfazed by her towering over him. It would be a lie if he said he didn't enjoy pissing her off.

"Listen here, guppy. I have no problem messing up your face, even if you're the chief's son," Katiya hissed, biting her lip in anger.

Standing up, Aonung towered over her. He glared down at her, his gaze flitting from her lips to her eyes.

"You listen here, pretty face. Clearly, you have anger issues and it shows," he murmured, watching her eyebrows twitch in irritation when he realized he had hit a nerve.

His lips curled into a faint smile. "Learn to control your temper a bit and have some fun in your life, why don't you? That frowny face of yours will scare others away, you know."

"Don't tell me what to do, you two-faced fish," Katiya spat, jabbing her finger at his chest. "I have no interest in playing games with you whatsoever, so you can fuck off."

"Hey!" Neteyam shouted, pulling Katiya away from Aonung. "Just go, Kati. Come on."

"For once, can you both be civil? Please?" Tsireya begged, her eyes flitting from Katiya to Aonung.

The brief banter they exchanged drew the group's attention and created tension.

Aonung kept provoking her and Katiya hated how easily he got on her nerves.

Tsireya sighed and stepped in front of Katiya.

"Please, you and your family are part of our clan now. You are family," she said softly, her kind eyes penetrating Katiya's anger. "I apologize for my brother's behavior. We just want to show you and teach you the ways of our people."

"Come on, Kati," Loak whispered, grazing Katiya's arm with his fingers.

Katiya flickered her eyes between her siblings and sighed as she raked her fingers through her hair.

"Fine," she said.

Katiya pursed her lips, glared at Aonung one last time, and walked away.

Aonung chuckled amusedly as he observed her, and Tsireya smacked his arm to quiet him.

Behind Those Eyes | Aonung (Enemies to Lovers)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें