The Cooking Conflict

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Request from Tumblr: "Hey!! I had ideas! 1! Bucky and Sunshine baking together (possibly making something unexpectedly from Bucky's childhood or somethin...) and

2! Halloween! I wanna see everyone in really bad costumes of each other and the kids who come for trick or treating have better costumes (a light up Mjolnir possibly?)

It must be known that i love you loads!! (thought I'd give you some lighter ideas <333 Have a great day!)"

A.N. So I've done Halloween but if I think of anything else, I'll definitely let you know!

The baking one I've done too, but there is something that I just thought of that is sort of a call back from such a long time ago that you made me think of, pertaining to the baking, of course. If you're looking for the callback you can find it ! I hope you enjoy!

"Come on... Please?" Bucky pleads, the sweet smell of some sort of pastry cooking in the oven wafting through the air and taunting him.

He just wanted to sit in the kitchen with you. That's all, he swore. Your ban offered no such lenience.

You vehemently shake your head. "No, absolutely not."

You didn't have very many strict boundaries with people, least of all with Bucky, but this was one you were not going to back down on.

He looks at you with his best pleading expression, "It wasn't even that bad. I swear I've learned my lesson."

"I can guarantee you haven't learned your lesson," you quip.

Bucky crosses his arms over his chest, puffing it out slightly, "You know, if I wanted to I could force myself into the kitchen. I won't, but I could."

You condescendingly pat his shoulder, "I think it's really cute that you think so."

His arms drop in a huff, "Come on, it was an accident. I'll just stand there, I won't touch anything, swear!"

"Do I need to remind you what happened the last time you were allowed into the kitchen? Because you'd think the burn marks on the wall would be a good enough reminder."

Grumpy x Sunshine DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now