On Your Left

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"Just leave me here to die," you groan, your forearm thrown over your eyes to block out the blinding light.

"Can you please stand up?" Bucky sighs.

"No, he's gonna make me run again."

Bucky's about to speak when he hears Steve's familiar call, "On your left."

"We get it, Steve!" you angrily shout, still splayed out on the grass.

"People need to see this side of you more often," Bucky quips, watching you glare as Steve laps you again. "Sunshine, my ass."

"I hate you guys," you tiredly exhale.

"How about we make this fun?"

"How?" you reply, propping yourself up on your elbow.

5 minutes later...

"On your left," you call.

Sam's eyes snap over his shoulder to possibly the funniest and most infuriating sight he's ever seen. Bucky running with the most smug smile Sam's ever seen, and you slung on Bucky's back with a shit-eating grin to taunt him after he dragged you out of bed for a run. "That's cheating!"

"No one likes a sore loser, Sam," you call over your shoulder, Bucky already leading him by several meters. "Work smarter, not harder!"

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