You're My Best Friend

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Bucky sighs, shaking his head, "I think you broke her."

With your fingers plugging your ears, you shake your head and loudly sing, "F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for-"

"Just answer the question!" Sam demands.

"Make new friends, but keep the old -"

"It is not that difficult! Just tell Bucky that I'm your best friend."

"You've got a friend in me -"

"Answer the question," Sam shouts over you.

You forcefully remove your fingers from your ears, "No! You can't make me."

You weren't quite sure how long had passed since this whole interrogation started. All you knew was that one second you were sitting at the table in the common room, enjoying a book you'd spent weeks trying to finish in one of the few quiet moments you got to yourself. It seemed like every time you picked up the book, there was something that needed your attention.

And then, just as you were finally settled in and finally making progress on the book , Sam and Bucky came barreling in rambling and bickering about some hypothetical situation of who you would save first should the choice come down to it.

Sam's argument was that the best friend would be saved first. To which Bucky let out a boisterous laugh and informed Sam that Bucky was your best friend.

Your book had long since been forgotten as they tried to force an answer out of you.

"Just tell him, 'Sam's my best friend. I'd save him first'," Sam implores.

"Or - or she'll tell the truth and say that she'd save me and that I'm her best friend," Bucky counters with equal fervor.

"You're the boyfriend, you can't be the best friend," Sam vehemently objects.

"Why can't I have more than one best friend?" you question, rubbing your temples in exasperation, wanting nothing more than to go back to your book.

"Because that negates being a 'best' friend."

"Guys-" you start.

"She just doesn't want to hurt your feelings," Sam interrupts with a huff. "Everyone knows I'm her best friend."

"My feelings?" Bucky scoffs. "Try again."

"Guys..." you sigh.

"You're so jealous, you know that?" Sam continues rambling. "You can't handle that-"

"Guys!" you shout over the both of them, abruptly standing from the table and snatching up your long forgotten and still unfinished book. "I love you both, alright! I love you both. Sam, you're my best friend. James, you're my person. You're both equally important in my life and equally driving me nuts right now."

"Even when she's mad, she's nice," Sam quietly mutters to Bucky.

"I know, I don't know whether to be flattered or offended," Bucky quietly agrees.

"Now, I'm going to go finish my book and you two are going to stop picking up fights over things that aren't even real," you order, spinning on your heels to storm away from the two of them. After only a few steps, you turn on your heels again, back to the two of them to finish your exasperated rant, "And you know what, if we ever were in a situation were I would have to save the both you, I'd also have to save myself because I always get roped into your terrible plans!"

Grumpy x Sunshine DrabblesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora