First Draft of the Grumpy Sunshine Series

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"I don't understand how you don't like her. She's literally the most like-able person to ever exist. I think she's the actual embodiment of cotton candy and cupcakes."

"So tooth-rotting fluff?"

You hear this, but take a deep breath before saying anything. You know Bucky's just trying to rile you up, but you refuse to let him. "There's nothing wrong with a little fluff, James. It's good for the soul. Plus, fluff is the best part of any book!"

"I don't think that's true," he grumbles.

"Sure it is! That moment that everyone just gets to just be is awesome."

"Is everything awesome to you?" he snarks.

"Pretty much," you nod, laughing a little bit.

"You know, if you're nice she'll make cinnamon rolls for breakfast."

"It's alright, Sam," you turn around and start walking backwards. "Even if James isn't nice, I'll make the cinnamon rolls."

Sam gestures to you, silently asking Bucky how it is that he just couldn't get along with you. "I'm not five, I don't eat cinnamon rolls for breakfast."

"You're missing out," you call again before turning back around. You continue walking until you hear the rumble of a car further down the road. As the car pulls up, you see a vaguely familiar face: John- the New Captain America. You knew Bucky and Sam weren't pleased with the whole situation, but you only offered an ear to listen. You'd never admit it, but for once you didn't have anything nice to say, so you opted to say nothing.

He offers you three a ride, and you're about to respond when Bucky declines for you three. You watch them go back and forth for a few minutes, when you decide that this is going no where. "It couldn't hurt, could it?"

"It actually could," Bucky remarks, but you're already climbing into the vehicle. You remain silent in the vehicle, content to look out and watch the scenery.

Bucky remains silent, finding no amusement in you. He's not sure what it is about you, why you set him off. You just do. He knows literally everyone loves you, that no one has ever had an unkind word to say about you. You'd gotten along great with Steve. In fact, Steve used to get a real kick out of you, out of your demeanor, and your ability to toe that fine line of a strong Avenger and a human ball of sunshine flawlessly. But something about you bothered Bucky, it made him uneasy. You were too kind, too bubblegum to be an Avenger, to wield the kind of power you wielded. It didn't make sense to him.

When you three make it back to your apartment that evening, Sam reluctantly leaves you two alone. He's warned Bucky plenty of times to be nice to you. You three had been working together for weeks and every day Bucky got progressively more curt and agitated with you. Sometimes he was downright mean, but you always deflected it. You'd say something about how you admired his honesty, his brashness. Or you'd try to validate his feelings. Then the next day, you'd do something nice for Bucky to apologize for upsetting him. It only made him even angrier.

Author's note (that I wrote at the time of posting, but it's still pretty relevant): I was supposed to post this yesterday... oops. In exactly one week (more like 5 days now) the Grumpy Sunshine series will be one year old. And it might be a little cringe to celebrate that, but cringe is dead and I don't care.

I cannot believe that I'm showing you guys this, (I did not edit a single word, okay, just one, but it was a typo) but I am. This is how the series started - like this was the first thing I ever wrote and I just... scrapped the whole thing. But if you squint, the last paragraph was actually the introduction to the first one shot.

If you've been here awhile, you know that this started as a TFATWS-centered series, and it's made so many twists and turns since then. Even the characters seem so different (but also not really?) I just thought this would be fun to show you guys.

P.S. the shit you guys have let me get away with in this series, seriously, the angst, the fluff, the (questionable) humor, the borderline crackfics, you're all so amazing and you've all encouraged me so much, thank you 💛

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