O, Christmas Tree, O, Christmas Tree

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"Not to state the obvious, guys, but I think that the tree might be a little too big," you decide, wincing at the sight of the very top of the tree bending against the ceiling as Sam and Bucky try to get it to stand entirely upright.

"You think?" Sam sarcastically asks, wedging the tree as far upright as it'll go.

"Do you think we have time to go back before they get here?" you ask, cringing when they both take a step back to look at the tree that was clearly several feet too tall for the common.

"I don't think so, they're supposed to be back in an hour."

"Maybe we can just cut off the bottom," Bucky wryly suggests.

"That is the worst idea I've ever heard," Sam deadpans.

"Maybe we can cut a hole in the ceiling. It'll be like a skylight!" you enthusiastically offer.

"Okay, never mind, that was the worst idea I've ever heard," Sam amends.

"I don't hear you suggest anything," Bucky argues.

"Because I didn't even want to be on tree duty!"

"Guys," you try interjecting. "Guys!"

"And? Aren't you the one-"

"Oh my God..." Steve over-enunciates as he walks into the room, cutting off Sam and Bucky's bickering.

"Uh, like I was trying to say, I think the team got back early," you state, jutting your thumb to your team mates slowly filtering into the common room from the doorway behind you.

"I gave you three one job! One job while we were gone."

"So, really, if you think about it, you only have yourself to blame," you tease, clapping your hand on Tony's shoulder. 

Grumpy x Sunshine DrabblesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat