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(Pre-established Grumpy x Sunshine)

"This is a stupid idea," Bucky deadpans, shoving the garment bag back in Steve's hand.

"What?" Steve playfully exclaims, having spent the last thirty minutes in the common room trying to convince Bucky of their group costume. This was the only year Steve had even come close to getting Bucky to be a part of the group costume - and Steve knew it was for one very specific reason. "Come on! This is great, it'll be amazing!"

"We have very different definitions of amazing."

"It's the Three Musketeers," Steve continues, holding up his own costume. "That's a great costume!"

"It's really not."

"Shame that you think so," Steve dramatically sighs.

Bucky's known Steve far too long to not be able to hear the meddling, masterminding undertone in Steve's words. Bucky quietly groans, his head thrown to the side. "And why is that Steve?"

"Nothing. I just - I might've heard that a certain someone is looking forward to seeing all the different costumes tonight. Maybe a special someone's costume."

And there it was. He didn't even need to look at Steve to see the insinuating smirk on his face. "Don't start."

"I also heard that she couldn't believe it when someone told her you were not only dressing up, but in a group costume too."

Bucky can almost picture it. The way your face would light up when you'd see him in this stupid costume. You'd laugh with him. You'd probably be so excited that he was making more of an active effort to be a real part of the team. Even more excited at the prospect of seeing him in a silly costume.

"And who would've said all that, Steve?" Bucky grumbles.

"I mean - I don't - I wouldn't know," Steve stiltedly lies.

"You're a terrible liar, you know that?"

"I may have heard that a few times," Steve quips.

Bucky takes another look at the costume, picturing the amount of embarrassment he'd have to endure wearing that atrocity. But not just an atrocity, a group atrocity, "No, no, I'm not! I'm not doing it!"

"Fine," Steve dramatically shrugs. "Imagine her disappointment when you're the only one that didn't dress up for the costume party. That you left Sam and me hanging."

And then he pictures the stutter in your smile when you realize that he's not going to be in costume like Steve so clearly told you he would be. He knows you probably wouldn't even say anything, you certainly wouldn't make him feel bad about it.

But he really wants to see that first image he had in his head.

"Hey guys!" you greet, suddenly walking into the room with your own garment bag in hand. You nudge your head to the two opaque bags, "Getting ready for the costume party? I'm so excited, I've never celebrated Halloween before!"

"We're so excited," Steve eagerly replies, nudging Bucky with his elbow. "Aren't we, Buck?"

Bucky does his best to give a smile, but it ends up looking more like a pained cringe. He gives you a weak thumbs up, "So excited."

"What are you guys going as?" you quickly ask. Then you shake your head, retracting your previous question, "No, no, on second thought, don't tell me. Sam told me it's pretty cool though."

"So cool," Bucky reluctantly agrees, wanting the floor to swallow him whole.

"Wanda's helping me get ready, but I'll see you guys tonight," you promise, waving at the two of them as you leave the common room.

Steve cheekily grins, "So?"

Even if he has to look incredibly stupid right next to Sam and Steve for a few hours, Bucky decides if he even sees a fraction of that excitement on your face, there's no way he can't not do it. Especially after he told you he would.

He snatches the costume back from Steve's hand, ignoring the cheeky smirk on Steve's face. "Fine."

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