-winter snow-

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After that unexpected encounter with Mikey, i never thought we would ever meet again or i would see anyone associated with him ever again but here i am right now attending a meeting of TOKYO MANJI GANG, how did this happen you might ask? well... 


A week after the incident, it was my day off, it was sunday so i woke up late and made myself some breakfast , did some work, and watched a lot of movies, a very productive day indeed. It was now evening time, i was still watching the last part of a trilogy and then i heard my bell rang, i rose up to open the door and was met by Emma and Hina, it was very unexpected i had never thought i would see them again. 


"E-mma and Hina, who would have thought?" I laughed awkwardly. 

"Y/N San since you helped us last time, we want to return the favor and take you out for coffee." Hina asked. 

"Coffee? Right now?" 

"Why are you busy? As much i can see aren't you watching a movie?" These two, i tried coming up with excuses but these two dragged me to the coffee shop and now we're indulging in rather interesting conversations. 

"Y/N do you have a boyfriend?" I almost spat my coffee. 

"B-boyfriend? NO! I don't." 

"Really? You are so beautiful, aren't guys all over you?" 

"Now Now Emma that's pushing it too far." 

"She's right Y/N San, you are beautiful." 

"Look who's saying, the two prettiest girls." We all broke into laughter, man i seriously have no idea, if i had ever done this maybe the past me with her memories might have but for me this was a first. 

"Anyways Emma and Hina, speaking of boyfriends do you both have any?" My smile turned into a wicked one. 

"Hina has, Takemichi-Kun is her boyfriend." I already kinda knew that, anybody could he was very obvious. 

"And as for you Emma, the guy with the dragon tattoo was your boyfriend?" And now Emma almost spat her coffee." 


"Very obvious." Soon we finished with our coffees and i was planning to head home since it was already very late but... 

"Alright thank you both for the lovely coffee, i'll be heading home now." 

"Who's heading home, you are going with us Y/N chan." 

"No No, Emma you see i have school tomorrow." 

"Enough with the excuses, Hina drag her." 

"Alright alright, i surrender, but where are we going?" 

"You'll see." 

And just like that they both took me to the meeting of Tokyo Manji Gang, the strongest street biker gang. 

"Are you kidding me?" 

"Y/N san have you been here before?" 

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