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❝ You can't take a cop car! ❞

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❝ You can't take a cop car! ❞

The friend group all sat in a van that Detective Bailey and Kirby set up in central park trying to track down the killer.

Kirby was typing on the keyboard trying to get locations as the rest sat in the back of the van. Ethan and Alora sat next to eachother sharing cheetos. Chad and her kept their distance from the small argument that happened. Mindy sat near Kirby watching what she was doing.

"So, we're really doing the phone tracing thing that never works in the movies?" Mindy judged gaining the groups attention, "Keep em talking Sam, two more minutes."

"We almost got him, and then he hangs up two minutes just before we can get a lock."

"I can trace a call in under 15 seconds." Kirby snapped back at her smirking.

"Well you've got them out there as bait." Mindy leaned foward pressing her lips in a thin line.

"Because the killer usually calls from somwhere nearby."

"And you think they're safe because it's a broad daylight in a public place?" Mindy questioned as Kirby sighed at her in frustration.

"Look, I am here okay? So is Bailey."

"This is exactly how our uncle Randy died."

"Broad daylight, public place, yanked into a van, stab, stab, stab, no more Randy."

Kirby looked at her before saying anything. "Huh." She nodded before facing back to look at her computer.

Alora and Ethan both looked at eachother in discomfort. She wiped her hands together, "Well, damn." Ethan moved his bag towards Chad offering him some. He gave him a blankstare basically declining the offer.

"Sam," Kirby spoke to her walking around central park with Tara, "Stay frost out there, Okay?"

"We're good."

The group all heard Sam's phone ring. They all jumped up from the sound.

"You're going to die you know." Sam threatened the killer.

"No, you're going to die, Samantha. Choking on your own blood while I hack up your sister." The killer spoke in a harsh tone.

"Not unless we find you first."

"For a mastermind, you're not very bright." he said to her, "waiting for me to call hoping im near by so the police cab grab me?"

There was a slight pause as the teens waited for him to speak again. Kirby squinted her eyes as she started to type faster.

"Well, I'm not nearby. I'm a step ahead."

The killer hung up and the others waited anxiously to see if Kirby got anything. "Anything?" Alora asked.

"Yep, geolocation coming through right now." She replied, "He's on the upper east side, he's inside an apartment building half away across the city."

"Wait," Alora said sitting up trying to think of who she knew lived in an apartment that far.

"On west 96?" Tara asked.

"How did you know that?" Kirby asked.

"Gale." The three of them said.

"Oh my god." Alora said running out of the van to find where Tara and Sam were. "Wait, Alora!"

She spotted them getting into Baileys cop car, "Tara, Sam, roll down the window!" She yelled as she ran towards the car.

"Hey, what are you doing? You can't take a cop car!" Detective Bailey exclaimed looking at the two girls who were already in the car. Alora made it to the car and jumped in the window. Sam and Tara both looked at her in shock.

"Go!" She said as Tara turned on the sirens, speeding over to Gales apartment.


authors note :


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