I started laughing, this girl is something else. I didn't realize I laughed a little too hard because Mary-Kate said "It's nice hearing you laugh, that must be some person who's got you smiling like that". I looked down blushing. I think they know who it is, but they won't say.

What do you have in mind?

Mhm, I won't tell. I have to
make you work for it, I can't
give you ideas since you were
the one ghosting me. What do
you have in mind?

I didn't ghost you...

Yes, yes you did.

Fine. What about dinner,
just you and me?

Miss Johansson, are you
asking me out?

What? Noo, I'm proposing
a friendly dinner, that friends
would have.

It's a shame...you asking me
out was kinda turning me on.

I...is that a yes?

I'm sure you're blushing
right now. And yes, I would
be more than happy to accept.
Just tell me when and where
and I'll tell you if I'm free.

You're the worst🙄 where
would you want to go?

I don't know, surprise me😉

What about Eleven Madison
Park, tomorrow at 7:00pm?

Are you trying to impress me?
You sure it's not a date, that's
some fancy restaurant.

You don't like it?

I do, but if you want to actually
have dinner tomorrow, you must
have some real nice connections to
get a reservation in a place where
even celebrities don't get them as
quick as they would want to. Do

I...don't. I've never been.

дорогой (darling), we don't
need to go to some fancy
restaurant, it's a "friendly"
dinner remember, some pizza
will do. You're a New Yorker,
you must know a real good
pizza place.

I do, tomorrow, 7:00pm,
Patsy's Pizzeria.

That's what I'm talking about.
I'll see you there😉


Oh...my...god!!!! Am I going on a date with Anastasia?! I just asked her out! Technically i didn't but who cares. Oh my god! And she said yes! Holy shit, this is crazy. And she was so understanding and she was worried about me after not texting her! Oh my god! I'm blushing real hard right now and I can't stop smiling. I can't believe it. I feel like a teenager in high school.

I got off the couch  and went to my room. I wanted to call Elizabeth but she warned me about Anastasia and I'm not sure if she would be happy to know we're sort of going on a date. I also wanted to call Chris but he was clearly upset with her. The twins were too close to Ekaterina and Anastasia, and I didn't know them that well so that's a no. I could've called Kate but she knows I'm married and thinks everything is perfect so no. So, logically I called the only other person I could call, RDJ. He was unaware of the situation with Colin and didn't know Anastasia, but hardly ever judges others, it's perfect. So, I went through my contacts, found RDJ's number and pressed called; after a few second he picked up "Heeey Scarlett, how are you?" a very enthusiastic Robert asked. "Hii Rob, I'm good and you?". "Excellent! I'm amazingly fantastic. What can I do for you?" he said. "Well I think I'm going on a date with someone that I like" I said to him. "Oh, what happened with Colin?" he asked confused. "We're separating, things aren't working out" It's technically true. I will divorce him for sure, but I need to talk to Ekaterina about it. "Sorry to hear that! And who is this person that's got my little Scarlett all excited" he continued with the light conversation. "Just someone..." I hadn't told the rest of the cast I liked girls and I'm a little scared of their reaction so I'll mention it later, at some point. "Well this someone is very lucky, darling. When's your date?" he was intrigued to know all the details. "Tomorrow at Patsy's Pizzeria". "Aah, a real New York place" he said approving my choice of restaurant. "Of course". "So how can I help? You surely came to uncle Robert for some dating advice" he said a little too confident in his skills. "Uncle Robert? Really? More like grandpa Robert" I replied joking. "Ouuuch. You chose violence today" he said pretending to be hurt by my words. "Well I don't know what I should wear" I asked now in a serious manner. "Dress up a little bit but be casual about it, it's pizza, not a luxurious restaurant. Just dress nice without going in sweats" he said laughing. "So formal enough to make it seem like I put effort but not casual enough to make them think I don't have taste in fashion?" I wanted to confirm I understood correctly. "Precisely. Now, choose 2-3 outfits and sent me pictures, I'll help you decide" he said. "Yes! Thank you! Oh, should I bring anything? Like flowers or something" I asked overthinking what I was supposed to do. "Mhm are you sure it's a date date?" he asked. "Well I kinda told them it wasn't but they seem to think it is" I said with a higher pitch tone because I was unsure. "Do you want it to be a date?" he questioned. "I think so...". "Then bring flowers, some roses will do, nothing too extravagant though. You don't want to scare her" he said. Wait. He said "her". I started getting all anxious. "Eeeh what do you mean her? No one mention a her, did I?" I asked anxiety crawling to my voice. "Hey, relax. You didn't mention a girl, I just assumed. You've never asked before if you should bring flowers. Besides I was expecting you to date women sooner or later" he told me. "What? You knew? Who told you?" I said now panicking. "Scarlett, take a deep breath. No one told me. I just kind of noticed. It's fine, no one cares who you date and if someone does it's their problem. I still love you and care for you the same way. It doesn't change anything at all" he said calming me down. "You don't care?" I asked now almost crying. "Not at all, I'm happy if you found someone you really like. I've never heard you like this before. I'm happy for you" he said gently. "Thank you RDJ. Thank you" was all I could say, now smiling to myself. "Anytime. Now, start choosing outfits and send them to me, we will make sure you look breathtaking for your date" he told me excited. "Will do! Say hi to your wife for me. Bye!" I said my goodbyes and then he did "She says hi back and bye! I'll be waiting" and we hung up.

The Model (Scarlett J. x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now