XIII: Eclipse Eyes

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When you're strange
Faces come out of the rain
When you're strange
No one remembers your name
When you're strange

People Are Strange~ The Doors


"After you." Minho opens the glass doors, gesturing for Felix to enter.

Gesturing for Felix to enter Hwang Gourmet.

Fuck. He can't refuse. He does not want to go through those doors. For two reasons.

Number one; last time he entered, he fell. Unflatteringly. Because Hyunjin paid him.

Number two; Hyunjin owns the place. Now, Felix assumes Minho knows that, but he also assumes Minho doesn't know that he knows that.

So, both reasons he can't say. Not to Minho. Not to anyone, actually.

He walks through the doors, head hanging because he still has a bruise on the side of his face, and he doesn't want people to recognize him as the boy who fell.

At least he's wearing something decent. Even if it's wrinkled from when y'know... the fight happened.

Minho insisted on taking him somewhere right after, saying that he didn't mean it. Felix didn't entirely believe him, but he still allowed Minho a second chance, because everyone deserves a second chance and all that.


He raises his head, dusting off his clothes as Minho links arms with him, and why is Minho linking arms with him? Is that another posh thing?

Felix hasn't said a word to Minho ever since he accepted the invitation. He still hasn't by the time they make it up to the restaurant receptionist. The fucking "RR."

"Hello gentlemen. Welcome to Hwang Gourmet, where our service is as good as our pallet! We promise you will not be disappointed in our service and quality. Is it only you men who will be dining with us here today?"

She sounded like she was being held at gunpoint. Felix wonders how many times she's practiced saying that to be able to recite it without stuttering.

Minho grunts. "Yes, just us."

She smiles. "Great! There will be no wait. Your waiter will be the man standing to the left of me."

A man takes a step forward from beside her, and wait, isn't that the Cinderella man? The one that forced Felix to let him take off his shoes?

"Please, call me Keeho. Follow me, I will lead you to your overpriced seats now."

The RR smacks him on the shoulder. "We've talked about this. You go by "W" for waiter here, not Keeho.

"Don't worry, I know them, they're friends with the boss." Keeho winks before grabbing two menus and walking away.

Minho and Felix just follow Keeho, assuming that's what they are supposed to be doing. You have to assume a lot with posh people.

Assume where to go, assume what to say, assume what to do, assume that everyone has secrets.

They arrive at a table in the restaurant, unlike the private suite that Felix had been in the previous time.

May the awkwardness begin.


Felix continues to fix his napkin on his lap.

"Please look at me."

He looks up. Minho's eyes are back to normal- not bloodshot, not glossed over.

"I'm sorry."

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