X: Misfit

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And life is like a pipe
And I'm a tiny penny
Rolling up the walls inside
We only said goodbye with words
I died a hundred times
You go back to her
And I go back to

Back to Black~ Amy Winehouse


The address wasn't to a building at all, instead, just a place, and an unexpected one at that.

Hyunjin literally sent him the name of a hill.

A hill. Like a mini mountain. He literally just told Felix to go to a fucking hill and climb it, because there would be a nice picnic luncheon held on the top.

Just why? At least make it at the bottom of the hill so Felix can avoid getting grass stains on his very stylish pants that he got for 7000 won at a thrift store.

"Lad! Great to have you!" Jisung greets him with open arms, to which Felix artfully dodges by Seungmin's request. He still thought that hugs were traps. Typical. He instead sticks out a hand, initialing meaning for Jisung to shake it but instead accidentally punching Jisung in the stomach (oops).

"Sorry mate." Felix laughs and pats Jisung on the back as Jisung curls over, holding his stomach in pain. And yes, Felix kind of punched him, but not that hard. He was being overdramatic.

"Dear, which one of these screams 'welcome to your luncheon party where we tried really hard to make it perfect to show how much we care about you, but we still don't care about you to a creepy extent?"

Jisung turns, suddenly feeling better apparently, and scans the two flowers Minho is holding up.

"Defintely this one, the white seems a little overly formal. If we used those then he would definitely think that we care about him too much." Jisung points to a bundle of blue flowers held in Minho's left hand.

"Thanks love, would you mind putting these over by the swing? It has to be perfect!" Minho practically drops the pot into Jisung's hands, and Jisung, sensing the urgency of the situation that came from Minho, runs to where he was directed.

At at least he tries to run, it was more like weird frantic scurrying.

"Uhmm, quick question." Felix grabs Minho's arm, who was rushing away once again. "What is going on?"

"Wait, why are you here?" Minho suddenly realizes, his face scrunching up into an accusing stare. "You aren't supposed to be here yet. Are you not coming with Hyunjin?"

Felix freezes. "No? What? Am I supposed to be?"

Minho rolls his eyes. "The luncheon starts in an hour." He flicks a piece of dirt off of Felix's shoulder. "It's a celebration for Hyunjin, so it has to be perfect, and you coming here early and standing around like a random goose waiting to cross the street is not helpful. Might as well make yourself useful." He doesn't give Felix a chance to respond, just picks up another basket full of assorted flowers and walks over to Jisung.

"Wait! A celebration for what?" He quickly jogs after Minho, who in response grabs another set of flowers and drops them in front of Felix.

"Carry these." Minho takes a breath. "To celebrate his mothers death." He scrunches his nose before narrowing his eyes at Felix. "How do you not know this?" He seems to think, his eyes shooting up and back into his skull, probably trying to find his brain, before he clicks his tongue. "Aha! I know why." He smirks. "Because you're stupid." And then he takes off again.

Felix just gasps in retaliation- because the audacity that this probe must have- why, it must just simply be overflowing. He must struggle to keep it contained behind his pretty face. 'Stupid?' Really? Why that's- that's simply the stupidest insult Felix has ever heard.

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