VII: No Money, No Honey

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Oh, oh
So you wanna talk about power?
Oh, oh
let me show you power
I eat boys like you for breakfast
One by one hung on my necklace
And they'll always be mine
It makes me feel alive

Breakfast~ Dove Cameron


There is a fucking ice sculpture standing in the middle of the rink.

Sure, yeah, it looks nice, all chiseled and that- but Felix isn't good at ice skating, meaning that one way or another, this stupid sculpture isn't helpful.

Unless he just doesn't skate, to which he wouldn't even be faced with the issue of dodging the useless piece of art.

He wouldn't normally even be here, he isn't a fan of the gliding on ice, isn't a fan of the little scuff marks on the surface of the ground that every once and a while go a little too deep so he falls on his face and slides across the entire rink at 75 miles per fucking hour- (Definitely not a specific thing that has happened to him.)

But Hyunjin ordered him to be present, and ordered him to ice skate at that. He wasn't even allowed to sit outside and peer over the railing and pretend to be interested instead.

One plus- he didn't have to pretend to be all nice and goody. He wasn't getting paid. No money, no honey.

Lee Minho and Han Jisung are at the ice skating rink too, dressed in puffy designer coats with patterns all over.

Felix isn't sure if Hyunjin invited them or not, but he also doesn't care, really.

"Hurry up and get onto this ice," Hyunjin orders, standing in front of the defined ice sculpture with his defined face and his defined posture all posh and whatnot.

At least they weren't going bungee jumping or some crazy shit like that.

Ya know what? Maybe Felix would enjoy bungee jumping more if it meant he wouldn't have to be in the presence of Hyunjin.

"Once again, no thanks love. I don't want to take off my shoes- I'm afraid they might get stolen," Felix calls. Hyunjin glances down at the shoes in question, which are all dirtied and used, tasseled up to the point where there are colorless spots and they are speckled with filth, and Felix ignores the look of disgust that is starting to creep up on Hyunjin's face, instead interesting himself in a star shape of snow by the railing near him.

"Oh don't worry, Keeho will take care of that." Hyunjin whistles, and a fetching man with shades (They seem like they are supposed to be intimidating, but they really just make it overdramatic) appears, kneeling down and grabbing Felix's feet one by one and removing his worn shoes.

Is he fucking Cinderella now or what?

"Alright mate, you can stop that now, I can put my own shoes on, thanks," He almost sneers, pulling his feet back away from the strangely attractive but also cringey bodyguard looking man.



Did this boy really just not allow him to put his own shoes on? Did he have a thing for feet or something? Felix was pretty sure you weren't allowed to take ownership of other peoples bodies.

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