II: Black Mamba

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Baby, though I've closed my eyes
I know who you pretend I am
I know who you pretend I am
Do Mi Ti
Why not me?
Why not me?

Washing Machine Heart~ Mitski


"What?" Felix asks happily, masking the pure shock that might've been evident in his voice.

Because Hyunjin wants to paint him. Hyunjin wants to fucking paint him and is that not a strange thing to ask a sugar baby?

It's not that Felix is against the idea of someone painting him. In fact, he would probably enjoy it in a different situation.

It's just the fact that it's Hyunjin, his literal sugar daddy, that is asking him.

Is that the reason why Hyunjin hired him? To paint him?

"Can I paint you?" Hyunjin tilts his head to the left, for the third time.

Felix is starting to find it annoying.

He hates Hyunjin, with his stupid godly complexion and his unfair richness and his disgustingly proper aesthetic.

Hyunjin reminds him of what he imagines the devil to look like. Handsome enough to attract his victims; and then he plays with him like they're toys. With his flawless skin juxtaposed by his dark clothes, and his giant, beautiful lair.

But Felix still mollifyingly smiles from ear to ear, a gesture that he's used to.

"Sure! I've never had anyone paint me before."

Hyunjin still doesn't return the look, instead standing up and walking away.

Felix assumes that he should follow, so he does, although he would've appreciated a little more clarification.

They arrive at yet another open room, however this one only had a stool taking up some space, a soft white cushion atop three golden legs. He was getting tired of gold.

"Sit down." Hyunjin promptly said, ruby lips quickly pressing together.

So Felix does, walking diligently over to the moonstone seat.

He notices that Hyunjin once again disappeared, leaving him to flourish in uncanny silence.

Where the fuck did he go? Felix doesn't care anymore.

He takes the time to admire his environment, looking at the moon rays that break through the windows, watching how the cool, white moonlight mingles with the clear air, how the rose curtains prevail in a battle against the refulgence.

And then he lets his mind wander, thinking about how strange his client was. If Hyunjin was an animal, he would be a snake. Not a huge one with threatening fangs and a rattle to inform you of his presence- no- he would be a black mamba. Black scales as skin, slithering through the water, not making a sound as they look for their unsuspecting pray, and finally pouncing, injecting venom into the creature, spoiling any childish innocence left in them.

Maybe Hyunjin is taking a different approach. Maybe he wants to get close to Felix so he would have a higher success rate of making Felix his prey.

It wouldn't be something Felix was unfamiliar with- having people use him for his body.

Felix needed money, so no matter how hard the task was- he had to manage.

Thus, here he is, in the devil himselve's lair, waiting patiently, or rather, waiting impatiently, preparing himself mentally to once again fake his ebullience.

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