V: Zoo of Wealth

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Have you got color
in your cheeks?
Do you ever get that fear
that you can't shift the tide
that sticks around
like summit in your teeth?

Do I Wanna Know?~ Arctic Monkeys


A party.

A fucking party is what Seungmin invited him to.

Most people would be excited, but Felix wasn't a fan of large gatherings of people, and he didn't even personally know the host.

And he didn't deserve to slack off. He didn't deserve to go to a party.

But one night of drinks and drunken laughter couldn't hurt, could it?

The party was held by a boy Seungmin had met at a bar. Apparently the lie he told Ae-Cha was actually half true, and Seungmin had actually taken his car to a bar and met a boy there.

However Seungmin warned him, saying that 'the people that will be attending the party aren't like us.'

Felix had shrugged it off, thinking he just meant they were more quiet, or loud, or something of the sort.

Seungmin didn't mean that, and he wasn't exaggerating.

They weren't just rich, but filthy rich. Felix seemed to be mingling with a bunch of wealthy stuck up people recently, and that was a fact he wanted to change, but he still found himself walking up the pair of spiral stairs that connects to the tower one by one, feet dragging in protest.

His stomach sunk because why was he even going? He didn't think it would even be possible for him to enjoy a break, and he wouldn't even know anybody there but Seungmin.

Alas, they arrived at the giant doors, both standing in front of them unsure of what to do. Do they knock? Normally in parties you would just walk right in, but do the wealthy do that?

Seungmin turns to Felix and puts his arms on his shoulders. "Listen Lix, I don't know most of these people. The only one I know is Chan, and he's nice, but I can't account for the rest, so don't assume they aren't snobby little princesses. Don't hug anyone alright?"

"Wait, why can't I hug them?"

"Cause if you hug them and they were the one that initiated the hug, then you are letting them assert their dominance. They MUST not have power over you." Seungmin advises Felix, poking him in the chest like a mother giving a lecture.

"Okay, but can I hug them if I'm the one giving the hug?"

"No- wait, yes! Ah, you're brilliant. That's genius, that way you will bond with them and have power over them." Seungmin says this as if it is the greatest discovery in the past century, eyebrows raised in delight and arms outstretched.

"Are you gentlemen going to enter?"

Felix and Seungmin both turn their heads and their eyes land on the most remarkably beautiful boy probably in the universe.

He's clad in a bright red suit, with red slacks matching. Oh, and a fucking fedora is placed atop his head. His eyes are soft and wide, but intimidating, with his mouth curved up into a smirk and his hands thrown in his pockets.

He just casually separates Seungmin and Felix by walking between them and not sparing them a glance, until he turns around as he's opening the (overly exquisite) doors.

And then he winks.

With both eyes.

Felix just blinks in response, watching the man as he turns around once again and goes into the room, the doors shutting behind him.

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