IV: Ebony and Ivory

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My nerves, they give me a sign
Tell me I'm not fine
You've got be nervous to speak
So I just won't say anything at all
I've got an urge to release
And you keep telling me to hold on

Nervous~ The Neighborhood


The next day is a mess.

Felix is utterly exhausted because he once again had gone to bed too late, a decision that he knows he will regret but is still too stubborn to change.

But time's a bitch.

So, he finds himself seated at some random greasy fast-food restaurant, Seungmin gouging himself in onion rings across from him, trying to ignore the fatigue that mercilessly tugs at his eyelids and sinks his limbs to the floor.

He looks around, desperate to distract himself and stay awake, when he sees a boy in a uniform approaching their table. He has styled light brown hair, and fucking violet contacts in.

Felix prepares to order himself some chicken, but is startled by a buzz from his phone. He picks up the screen and looks at it, not thinking much of the notification, until he sees who it's from.

Meet me for lunch.

~ Hwang Hyunjin

And he nearly spits out his room-temperature water that was probably supposed to naturally come with ice, before he feels his phone ding again.

Right now.

~ Hwang Hyunjin

Felix quickly fiddles with his phone, now too busy to pay mind to the boy who was currently trying to take his order.

Sorry, but I have to decline your offer. I can't make it. Ask someone else.

He writes back, and finally acknowledges the boy now standing at the end of the scratchy wooden table.

Who he now notices is very attractive.

Yes, he has overly noticeable purple contact in, but he is covered head to toe in thick silver clothing. He has sharp eyes, with prominent cheekbones, and Felix wonders why a guy who looks like a prince is working in a fast food joint.

He clearly has money too, with his ray bans resting atop his flawless nest of golden hair, and his designer shoes that are polished a pearly white.

"I see one of you has already gotten some food, but what would you like, cutie?" And the boy fucking winks after asking his question, striking Felix in the heart with cupid's arrow.

"Nothing! I'm still looking at the menu!" He blurts out, overwhelming pressure crushing him.

"Oh, okay! Just call for me whenever you need." He slides the pad that he was going to use to jot down the orders into his back pocket, sticking his tongue in his cheek. He (weirdly seductively, might Felix add), looks Felix from head to toe before introducing himself.

"Yang Jeongin."

Felix just bows his head in response, watching the boy walk away and wondering why he was so flustered.

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