III: Champagne Dragon

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His voice was honey
and his mom loved me
and he'd do anything for me
There every night
when I'd fall asleep
But never showed up in my dreams

Never been in love~ Gatlin


Felix awakes to the smell of sweet pancakes wafting through the air. He groans, the morning daylight burning his eyes, and making him go partially blind in the process.

Waking up is hard.

Felix sits up, smacking his lips together and swallowing before being jumpscared by a brunette girl.

"Wakey wakey! It's time to get up!" She smiles at him, ruffling his hair.

Felix lets out a sigh of relief at the sight of his girlfriend, flashing her a weak smile in response.

"Good morning," His raspy voice croaks.

His body still hasn't accepted the fact that he has to stand up, but hearing Ae Cha's voice always helps. She leans down and whispers in his ear.

"I made pancakes. Blueberry ones. Just come down to the table when you're ready."

She twirls around and skips out of the door after booping her boyfriend on the nose, leaving Felix still groggy and in bed.

He slowly gets up and puts a pair of sweatpants on, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and exiting through the door.

Of course it's hard for him to get up. He went to bed at like 3 a.m. the previous night, due to a certain annoying someone, and he could only actually fall asleep after about an hour of being full of overwhelming guilt.

It isn't something Felix is new to. In fact, he is always guilty about things.

His girlfriend doesn't know about his job. Nobody does, not even his best friend Seungmin. He was the one that took the car last night.

Felix always told everyone that he worked at a restaurant. If they asked what restaurant, he would say 'the old noodle place a few blocks down'.

There is no noodle place a few blocks down.

It hurts him to lie. But he must. If he doesn't, he is sure they would call him worthless. Make fun of him for selling himself.

They wouldn't understand how it is the only option.

"How did you sleep?" Felix asks his girlfriend, who is already sitting down at the dining room table. She is waiting patiently, her legs crossed with a white napkin in her lap, her skin nearly glowing in the otherwise dusty atmosphere, and her eyes downcast at her food which smells of sweet berries and is already cut into bite-sized pieces.

She is a lot more clean than Felix. She is proper, sweeping vines of prose always warped around her. (She refused to help him decorate for Christmas because "the pine on the tree would dirty her sweater," to which he responded by playfully throwing pine leaves at her. She didn't find it amusing, but she agreed to hang up ornaments after, and according to Felix, that was a win).

"I slept well. Had a damn crazy dream though." She puts her face in her hands, the wispy front pieces of her hair sticking out of her ponytail and relaxing themselves in front of her eyes.

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