~•☆~💖oh yeah right that's how we met..💝~•☆~

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☆•~No one's pov•~☆
Sun Drop was looking through high school pictures of when he was a cheerleader. He smiled and giggled at them and found some baby pictures of himself and was just looking and remembering when he was a little tiny kid. Then he remembered how him and Moon Then he remembered how him and Moon met. He wanted to see if Moon still remembered too. so the little sun walked to his little boyfriend soon to be husband And ask, ", honey, do you remember how we met? " Sundrop said to Moon and then Moon Relpy "of course I do, honey. We met in school in elementary. Our moms were friends and we didn't really like each other! " And Sundrop said " oh my God, I can't believe you still remember! " Moon said ", God, that was so long ago. We finally got along and we had a little bit of an interest. " He pulls out a picture of Sun and as kids..*


Kid Sundrop: Moon Moonnn! Where are youuuuuuu?

Kid Moon: I'm doing my homework and how are you in my house!

Kid Sun: Your mom let me in loser!


Kid Sun: too late!

They were arguing for a bit until Moon heard Sun saying this.

Kid Sun: Whatever I have my hot wheels play with.

Kid Moon: Wait, you like hot wheels?

Kid Sun: Yeah, I do. Why?

Kid Moon: I like Hot Wheels too. I have a little Hot Wheels race track and I have a lot of Hot Wheels you want to play?

Kid Sun: Woah, really? Yeah sure!:D

They were having a proper conversation and racing each other with their Hot Wheels and son had this one Hot Wheel. that was his dream Hot Wheel but he could never get it.

Kid Sun: I can never get that one Hot Wheel It's pink and I love it.

Kid Moon: Wait a minute, I have that one. I don't really like it a lot. Do you want it?

Kid Sun: Really!? Thank YOU MOON!

Kid Moon: No problem!

Kid Sun: here want this white blue one?


Kid Sun: Ok here!:D

*The two of them are really happy now and this would be a start to long friendship..*

[ They moved on to Middle School and they had a good year and they finally graduated Middle School.]

Teen Sundrop: Moon! What high school did you get?

Teen Moondrop: Don't worry, I got the same high school as you..!

Teen Sundrop: Let's go!

They went into High School and they turned 16. They went to this party and they got really drunk. Sun and Moon were really drunk that they had a little bit too much fun on the couch. All of the other students saw at the party and took pictures and told everyone that was not the party. In school. Sun and Moon were now known as the Gay Little Couple or known as the little cheerleader who dated a nerd. Sun was a cheerleader. Moon was smart one. They didn't mind it. They were even planning on going to the same College. But both of them agree that college would be a waste of money. and they both agreed that they wanted to run a daycare. Went to school year were finally over. They grabbed their yearbooks!

Teen Sundrop: I look so cute babe..

Teen Moon: you always do my sunbug.

moon kissed sun and as the closed the year book and the flash back it over.

", well, I think it's time for us to go to bed! " Said Sun. Moon agreed and turned off the lights...

[Word count: 622]

《♡my only sunshine♡》sundrop x moondropWhere stories live. Discover now