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It's been five years since Everett and I got married, which would've been the best moment of my life if three years ago we never had our baby. Jasper was like the perfect mix between Everett and I. He had my Raven black hair and Everett's captivating green eyes. I'm going to be honest here, I hope he's a werewolf. Being a horse shifter has so many limitations, I don't want him to not be able to do something because of fear.
Luckily, he hasn't seemed to have had an issue with meat or Everett when he shifts.
He absolutely loves the horses, Especially Solaris' first filly, Amaris. They're best friends and I'm pretty sure if she were human they'd end up together, that's how close they are.

I smiled to myself at the thought and placed the last dish in the dishwasher, my hands going to my bump as soon as I straightened.
"I'm not built to bend." I huffed, putting the soap in and closing the door.
"Juliet!" Everett hissed, pulling my away from what he dubbed as the 'evil dishwasher'. I gave him a sheepish smile and a peck on the cheek.
"Hey babe, what's up?"
"What's up? What's up is my very pregnant mate is over-exerting herself doing dishes! I told you to sit back and relax and I'll handle everything." He complained, gently rubbing my bump with his hand.

"I'm just a little out of breath Everett, I'll be fine."
"Why can't you let me do everything for you? Go for a run or something."
"Everett, you know I can't shift. It's not safe this late in. Now relax and go read your son his bedtime story."
"This isn't over." He warned, squinting at me before he pounded his way up the stairs, calling for Jasper.

Seconds later the sound of my three year olds giggles floated down and my heart fluttered. Everett's always been good with kids, even before we found out we were pregnant the first time. Becoming a father expanded that gift and I loved watching him spend time with Jasper.

I can't wait to tell him what the doctor said today....
I'm sure he'll love it. He was so excited last time
That's what makes it ten times better

I finished cleaning up and started the dishwasher before making my way upstairs and changing into a tank top and shorts. Being pregnant is like having an oven strapped to your stomach, it gets really warm really quick.
As soon as I finished I plopped myself down and waited for my mate to finish reading to our son, which luckily didn't take much longer.
He came in a couple minutes later and shut the door behind him quietly.

"Out like a light. Just like I'm about to be." He chuckled and changed into a simple pair of shorts before coming over and sitting on the bed, his face telling me he was wondering why I wasn't trying to sleep already.
"Everything ok?" He asked, taking my hand and rubbing my palm.
"Yeah, I just wanted to tell you something before we went to bed. Y'know how we decided to wait to find the gender until the doctor said we only had a couple weeks left, if that?"

"Yeah?" His eyebrows scrunched together adorably in confusion and I kissed his cheek.
"Well.... I went in today and you'll never guess what they said.
"Probably not, but I'm a worry wart when it comes to my mate and kids so just tell me Jules." He joked, moving to rub gentle circles on my belly.
"It's a girl." I whispered, watching closely as his eyes sparkled with excitement.
"Really? Yes!" He cried, although he quickly quieted down for Jaspers sake.
"I can't wait, she's gonna be our little princess."

"Oi, no spoiling her too much."
"I can't promise that and you know it."
I sighed and shook my head with a laugh, allowing him to pull me into a laying position.
"You're too much sometimes." I breathed, snuggling into his chest.
"Only for you and the kids." He promised, holding me close as he pressed a kiss to my forehead.


A loud, high pitched whinny jolted me from my sleep and I sat up, ignoring Everett's exhausted pleas to go back to sleep.
"Momma!" Jasper cried, though instead of hearing his feet like I usually would've silence followed his call.
"It's just one of the foals..." Everett muttered, somehow not hearing his son.

I got up anyway, panic striking my heart as I hurried to my sons room. My mind wandered and began coming up with horrible scenarios on the spot and I knew the only way out of it was to see he's perfectly fine.
I practically slammed the door open and my eyes examined the room closely, looking for anything out of place in the cowboy themed room.
My eyes fell on the bed, and instead of seeing my three year old fast asleep there was a six month old black Arabian colt lying in his place.

My eyes widened in pure shock and I rushed over, rubbing his neck and whispering to him to calm him down. I sat beside him and he laid his head in my lap, his ears flicking every which way as he tried to understand what was happening.
"Shh, baby it's ok." I promised, running my fingers along his back.
"Momma." He nickered pitifully, his eyelids closing. After the adrenaline passed I'm sure he was exhausted. I continued to pet him and whisper sweet nothings in his ear until Everett came in search of me and found our son and I on his bed.

"What happened?" Everett asked quietly, coming over and staring at our son in surprise.
"He's three today Everett, since he's old enough now he shifted. He should be about six months old if I'm counting correctly." I answered with a light shrug, smiling softly as his tail flicked.
"He's so cute."
"He gets it from you Juliet. I couldn't compare." He joked, ruffling my hair.
"Happy birthday baby boy." I whispered, kissing my colts forehead.

" I whispered, kissing my colts forehead

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(His eyes are dark green tho, not blue)

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