Chp 32

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The stars sparkled above us as we slowed to a walk, the quiet chatter of the small creatures of the forest following us. We were silent for a long time, just walking on the trail together.
"Are we just going to ignore the fact that you have some serious explaining to do?" I asked, not bothering to hide the frustration in my tone.
"I was going to wait until we reached the clearing, but if you'd rather we start now that's fine." Everett replied, patting his horse on the neck.

"I think I'd rather have the chance to make a dramatic exit." I was only half kidding, it would ruin the point of being angry if I had to climb onto my horse and then gallop away.
"Touchè. What do you want to know?"
"Everything. Start at the beginning."
"Well in simple terms, everyone has a soulmate to find, who they'll meet at one point in their life or another. You only get one soulmate. As a werewolf I can sense that thanks to my inner wolf. First it's by scent, then eye contact. After my seventeenth birthday when we locked eyes in the hallway I could just tell. My wolf went crazy, that's why I said 'mine'. I'm sorry if it freaked you out."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"Since you're my mate, there's a pull. It draws us together and grows stronger the more we're together. My wolf won't allow me to hurt you, not that I would want to. We've been friends for years, we've grown so close I could never hurt you, regardless of the fact that we're mates. Please understand that." He whimpered, something quite unlike him.

He looked back at me, pain swimming in his eyes.
"You're not going to run off now are you?"
"I'm intrigued," I shrugged.
"Tell me more."
He gave me a nervous smile.
"There isn't much more to tell, would you like to see my wolf?"
Terror pooled in my stomach and I quickly shook my head, leaning over my horses neck.
"Help." I whispered to him, hiding my face.

"He's a very nice guy. At first everyone was terrified of him and his family, but they protect us." He nickered softly, tossing his head.
"He's very gentle, even in their wolf forms they're all very nice." Everett's gelding chimed in politely. The fear calmed slightly, enough for me to notice we'd stopped and Everett was right beside me, staring at me worriedly.
"Are you ok?"
"I'm alright." I mumbled, sitting up slowly.

"Did something happen when you were younger? That made you fear us?"
"Something did happen, but it had nothing to do with werewolves. Can we keep going?"
He nodded and continued leading the way.
"You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" He broke the silence, though he barely whispered the words.
"I know, it's just a lot to think about. Maybe one day."

Finally we arrived in a clearing decorated with fairy lights and a beautifully set up picnic. A blanket sat on the ground with a basket that I could only assume was filled with food and drinks.
We dismounted our horses and Everett led me to the blanket, a grin on his face.
"This is lovely, Rett. Really. Thank you for setting this up."
"I'm not going to lie to you Jules, I didn't do this. Well, not entirely. It was my idea, to have a picnic, but my mother insisted she set it up because she figured she'd be able to do it better than I could."

"Well, tell her I loved it." He grinned at me as we sat and pulled out a few snacks.
"Aye aye. What would you like to talk about?"
"Tell me about being a werewolf."
"It's amazing. When I shift, it's like I'm free. The wind blows through my fur, my claws sink into the dirt. It's like flying."
"Like riding a horse."

"I get that. Riding horses is my escape. Is it like that for you when you're in wolf form?"
"That's exactly what it's like! I love being in wolf form, it's my escape."
"I'd hate to keep that from you.... I know if I was stuck and couldn't shift I'd be heartbroken....."
"What do you mean?" He gave me a confused look, popping a grape in his mouth.
"Show me your wolf."
"Are you saying...."
"Shift Everett. Please?"

He gaped at me, the grape falling past his lips and onto the blanket.
"Are you sure?" He asked, expression worried.
"I think so. Do you think if we set up a safe word you could shift back?" I requested, fidgeting with the flannel around my waist.
"Of course. What do you suggest?"
"Something simple, shift." I laughed softly, earning a chuckle from him.

"Sounds like a plan. Are you ready?" He questioned, getting up and stepping back.
"As ready as I'll ever be." I replied honestly, wringing my fingers.
"All you have to do is say 'shift' and I'll shift back ok?"
"Alright." I nodded.
Then he shifted.

A dark brown wolf took his place and my heart lurched as the wolf took a tentative step forward.
"Don't." I whispered, my hands shaking with nervous energy. He froze immediately, ears perked and tail wagging slowly.
"Incredible....." I mumbled, eyes wide. Sure, I was a horse shifter, but I haven't shifted in years. A frown over took my features and I looked down at my lap.

I'm sorry you can't be free Star
Don't do that Juliet, I wouldn't want to be free if it meant I wouldn't be with you. One day we'll be able to shift and run free as we wish
If you say so
I do. You'll see that I'm right, though I'm not entirely sure when that will be
Well, when you figure it out let me know

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