Chp 14

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Raven and I watched as two women got out and studied the farm, their eyes passing over us as if they didn't notice us standing there. One of them had a frown, but nonetheless they walked up to the door and knocked, waiting for Ray to answer.
"We should go inside so we can listen in." Raven suggested, waving to the horses.
"Alright." I agreed, also waving, and we walked to the big house, going in right behind the women.
"You let the kids wander around without being supervised?" The one with a frown questioned, her eyebrows drawing together. She had bright pink hair and blue eyes, while the other girl had calm brown hair and green eyes. I could tell I wasn't going to like her.
"My son is experienced with horses, we also have plenty of farm hands to help should anything go wrong, but they both know better. Juliet seems to also be very experienced and enjoys the company of horses, I've never seen anyone like that except my late wife, Ravens mother." Ray replied sternly, gathering up some papers.

The woman just rolled her eyes and wrote something down on the paper I didn't realize she was holding, causing Raven to frown.
"We would like to see where she'll be sleeping, if she stays." She then requested, giving Ray a bored look. He simply sighed but let everyone upstairs and into my room. It wasn't a lot, it was probably about a ten by ten foot room with a comfy bed, a window and a small walk in closet. It had a dresser as well as a desk and nightstand, but I didn't have much in either, considering I haven't been here that long.

The women studied the room, checked the window and the closet before nodding to each other and writing something on their papers.
"Now, mind showing us the property?" The brown-haired woman asked politely with a smile, her expression not giving off any helpful hints as to how this is going so far. Ray nodded and we made our way back outside where the farm hands began doing the night chores; getting hay and grain ready and bringing the horses in.

The women scrunched up their noses and wrote a couple more things down as we walked around, Ray pointing something out occasionally and answering their nonstop questions. Finally we rounded back to their car and they got in to talk over their notes and make a decision.
"What will happen if I can't stay? I don't wanna leave." I whimpered, afraid. Raven frowned and pulled me in for a hug, making it obvious he didn't like it when I was scared.

"We'll do everything we can to make sure that doesn't happen ok? If it happens I'm sure you'll be placed with a wonderful family while we fix whatever issues they have." Ray reassured me gently, setting a hand on my back. The sound of the truck doors opening caught our attention and we looked over at the women, neither of them showing much emotion.
"We would like to speak with miss Juliet alone, if you two can just wait here we'll only be a moment." The pink haired woman spoke, gently taking my hand and pulling me towards the far pasture we put my family in earlier.

Solaris trotted up and nuzzled me happily, sensing my nerves, and the women watched the interaction quietly.
"Miss Juliet, we're under the impression that Mr. Channing found you in his yard one morning and you willingly stayed with him since. Is that correct?" The one with brown hair questioned, her pen and paper ready.
"I- um...." I stumbled for words, unsure of what to say. Technically, I hadn't just willingly stayed as I had run away in fear, but then again I was newly shifted and had no idea what was going on.
"You're safe here miss Juliet, if Mr. Channing has done something you don't like please tell us, that way we can make sure you're comfortable and safe." The other woman explained, her lips twitching into a frown.

"No- I mean, yes I went and I've stayed willingly, Ray isn't doing anything to upset me. He's been very kind, so has Raven. They've done more for me than I thought anyone would." I answered honestly, petting my colts neck.
"Did Mr. Channing buy you this horse? He looks a little young for a thirteen year old girl to handle." The first woman commented, scowling at Solaris. I frowned at her.
"No, he bought me that mare over there," I replied, pointing to my dam.
"She's seven years old and fully trained. I got this colt from a friend a little while back, she passed away and I agreed to take care of him until he's old enough to be wild."

The women both wrote something down and my heart rate picked up, worried I'd said something wrong.
"I really like it here, I want to stay."
"That's not up to us sweetie. Has Mr. Channing touched you in a way that made you uncomfortable? Or even his son?"
"They've been the perfect gentlemen. I don't appreciate you doubting what I've already told you, I'm not lying because I'm afraid of what they'll do to me, I just don't talk to a lot of people." I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring at them angrily.

They both scowled and wrote a couple more things down before heading back over to Ray and Raven. I decided not to follow them, wanting to be comforted by my adorable colt. I waited a few minutes before walking over, watching the women converse through the window of the truck.
"So?" I questioned nervously.
"They're contacting their superior to figure out what to do." Ray replied, running a hand down his face.
I simply nodded while we waited in silence, glancing back occasionally as the men brought my parents, Kin and Sol into the barn.

After I looked back the woman with brown hair stepped back out of the truck, her lips set in a firm line.
"I'm sorry for making you wait. My supervisor feels it's better we place miss Juliet somewhere we deem safe while we run a background check on you and all of your men Mr. Channing. Juliet, go pack your clothes please."

A/N Oof, I wonder what their reactions will be 🤔 just kiddinggggg I know, I'm so mean for doing this. But I want the story to be longer soooo here ya go! Hope it's ok 💙

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