Chp 10

137 3 3

We made it through most of the classes okay, despite the fact that I don't know any of the basics of being human. After Raven realized I couldn't read very well or write at all he scoot his chair a little closer and tried to help me understand the notes he took.
Finally, the bell rang and we gathered our things to head to the cafeteria for lunch. We made our way through the hallways with him dragging me along by the hand to make sure I didn't get lost.

"Hey guys!" Everett greeted as we entered the line for lunch.
"Hey Everett!" Raven grinned, pointing to something I might like. I snorted quietly with a smile and just let Raven pick out my food.
"What's so funny?" Everett inquired, studying me.
"Hay is for horses and cows too." I mumbled, hiding my face with my hair. Silence spread between the three of us before the boys suddenly erupted with laughter, catching the attention of the other kids in the line.

It wasn't really that funny...... it's a fact.......

I stayed quiet as we made our way over to a table with a couple other kids, two girls and a guy, and sat down. The girls looked terrifyingly similar, both had dark brown hair and pale green eyes. One had glasses and the other wore a hat Raven called a beanie. The boy had a mop of black hair and grey eyes that he kept downward, barely even glancing at the three of us.

"These are my twin sisters, Elana and Elise, and my friend Drake. Guys, meet Ravens new sister, Juliet." Everett introduced with a grin, shoving some food in his mouth. I greeted each of them with a shy 'hello' before beginning to somewhat enjoy my meal, which really just consisted of an apple and some baby carrots.
"Why didn't you get the chicken stew?" One of the twins asked -the one with the glasses- staring at me as if I were some science experiment.
"Juliet is a vegetarian. Meat makes her feel Ill." Raven explained, despite the fact that I've never told him that.

"Strange." She muttered, earning a glare from her brother.
"It's no big deal, people don't like meat all the time."
"I'd like to see you go vegan, Everett." The other twin snickered, throwing a baby carrot at him.
"I will if it keeps you two from being bullies." Everett huffed back, taking a bite out of the carrot.
"Awww does our big brother have a crush????" The twins teased simultaneously. Although I didn't understand what a 'crush' was, it must've meant something as Everett muttered how twins are impossible before grabbing his tray and storming out.

I frowned softly and followed after him, completely ignoring the looks I got from the rest of the group, other than Raven. Raven just quietly went back to enjoying his food.
"Everett!" I called, speeding my steps slightly to catch up, but jeez this dude can speed walk. I lost him after a couple more turns and leaned against the wall, quickly getting lost in my thoughts.

Why we're they making a big deal out of me not eating meat?
I'm not sure Juliet.... there's something off about all of them, but I can't figure it out
What's a crush? Do you know?
It's.... it's basically the word for liking someone more than a friend, maybe in hopes of becoming mates and having foals one day

I gagged as my cheeks flamed, embarrassment filling my veins.

He wants to what!?
I never said he did!!! I just said that's the word for it, plus the chance of him having a crush on you the same day you guys met is very slim.

"Hey!" I blinked back into the real world to find the twins standing in front of me, a menacing look in their eyes.
"Um.... hi....?" I mumbled with a frown.
"Stay away from our brother. He needs his true mate, someone made to be luna. Not some puny little vegan." They hissed simultaneously, their eyes glowing a horrifying amber color.
"I'm sorry?" I questioned, my eyebrows furrowing.
"Back. Off." They growled, slamming me into the wall.

My eyes widened and I kicked my legs out, terror building up.
"Let go of me!"
"Say you'll never show your pathetic face around him again."
"I don't understand! W-were just friends." I could feel Stargazer trying to lend me her strength but it didn't seem to affect the girls in the slightest.
"Say it!"
A loud growl pulled the attention of the girls to the left, where a very angry looking Everett stood with steam practically flowing from his ears.

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