Chp 9

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A/N this chapter is gonna be just a little longer than most, only because I kinda just kept writing and I haven't even gotten to the part I wanted in this chapter, but that's fine. I'll put the thing I wanted in the next chapter, and y'all can just enjoy this chapter. I hope.

As soon as we got home Raven made sure I made it to my room ok before going back downstairs to help Ray get the shopping bags- which I totally forgot about in my distress.
I curled up under my blankets and buried my face in my pillow, my thoughts racing.

What would've happened if Raven hadn't come and tackled the man........?
Men like that will do horrible things to children Juliet. I'm just glad Raven got there when he did.......
Speaking of Raven, what were the bulges in his shirt?
I....... I'm not sure...... it really could be anything, for all we know he's another supernatural. You could ask?
How would I ask if he's a supernatural? 'Hey Raven, I'm a horse shifter which I guess is really rare, but anyway, are you some sort of supernatural?'
Fair enough I guess...... just get some sleep for now and we'll talk later

I took a deep breath and snuggled closer to my pillow before slowly drifting asleep, barely noticing the door opening and closely quietly.


"Wake up Jules!" Raven called from outside my door the next morning, waking me up at an ungodly hour.
"What's going on?" I inquired softly, sitting up and rubbing my eyes as he opened the door and peeked in.
"Well.... I was going to let you sleep in, because we have school and yesterday was...." he sucked in a breath and gave me a small smile.
"But a detective is here and he wants you to tell him what happened before dad and I got there."

I frowned and clenched the blankets in my fists, the bruise on my wrist glaring at me.
"Do I have to.....?" I whispered, my heart quickening at the thought of having to relive one of the most terrifying moments of my life.
"I'm sorry.... but yeah, he won't leave until you do." Raven tried to comfort me by wrapping his arms around me in a hug.
"If it helps I can be with you." He mumbled softly, just sitting beside me while I buried my face in his neck, terror causing me to tremble.
"Okay...... thank you....."

We pulled away and he gave me a comforting grin before gently pulling me down the stairs where Ray stood with a man in a suit, his blond hair slicked back to make him look more intimidating.
"This is her?" He asked Ray unsurely, quirking an eyebrow.
"No. I'm just bringing you some random girl for my amusement." Raven replied for his father sarcastically, causing me to laugh softly despite the glare the man sent Raven for it.

"Alright ms. Channing. Can you tell me exactly what happened from the moment you got deprecated from these two to the moment they arrived?" The man asked me gently, pulling out a pen and pad of paper.

"U-um..... id excused myself to use the bathroom but when I came out they were gone. I decided maybe it would be best if I just walked in the direction we were waking before we got separated." I paused to take a deep breath and Raven gently squeezed my hand.
"After a minute or two the man showed up with this small wrapped thing and asked if I wanted some candy? I tried to refuse but he grabbed my wrist and started pulling me somewhere, saying I could have all the candy. I wasn't sure what he meant but..." I paused again, this time because I remembered I wasn't supposed to tell anyone my secret.
"I got this feeling that something was very wrong with him so I screamed and tried tugging my arm away, and then that's when Raven showed up....."

He hummed softly in response as he took notes, silence quickly filling the room.
"Alright, this and the evidence of that bruise -unless it wasn't inflicted by him-" he gave Ray a suspicious look.
"Should be enough to put him away for several things."
Raven grinned ecstatically and Ray shook the man's hand.
"Thank you very much for your help sir, but I really don't appreciate the accusation under my roof, and in front of my children. I'm sure if I were abusing them they'd have more than one mark, they wouldn't go around exposing their skin with tank tops and shorts," he gestured to my night wear.
"And they definitely wouldn't be spitting out sarcastic remarks that could get them in more trouble. Good day." And with that, Ray practically shoved the man out of the house before turning back to us with a smile.

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