Chp 38

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(Juliet, her hair and her nails ^^^^)

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(Juliet, her hair and her nails ^^^^)

*four years later*

These past several years have been great. Everett and I have been dating happily but he's been out of the country with his brother doing werewolf business, Raven has a girlfriend, though he's busy working with the horses. Midnight has been living as a human for the most part -she learned to control her shifting- her human name is Jasmine, and she's apparently happy with her job, traveling the world and acting as a horse trainer.
Currently I was sitting in a hair and nail salon, or maybe it was just an average salon, I wasn't sure. Y'all have known me for seven years, nearly, I really don't care about hair and whatnot. But for some reason Jasmine suggested we get our hair and nails done so here we are.

I decided to get my hair dyed a mix of blues, a dark baby blue and a gorgeous ice blue, and my nails were a space-y purple and black with a few stars and even a crescent moon. Jasmine got her hair dyed a cute maroon red and her nails were a blood red color. Can you guess her favorite color?
I glanced over at my sister and found her chatting with a green eyes finger boy with some sort of accent. I couldn't place it, but I mean I've literally only been to Texas and Calgary. Yes, Calgary Canada. I was a biology major in vet school, and as such it's been harder to see my boyfriend, but we make do with frequent video calls and texts.

Before I get back to my sister, I just want to say, ITS FREEZING! Like, Canada's summers were Texas' winters. That's how cold it is. I'm almost always shivering so I always have a big coat or one of Everett's hoodies with me.
Anywho, I glanced at my nails -which were drying- and looked back at my sister, letting out a dramatic sigh.
"Why are we here again?" I groaned, tilting my head
"Because you're turning twenty in two days Jules! You gotta look your best, now stop moving or you'll mess it up." She glared at me and immediately straightened, a sigh heaving past my lips.

"Promise?" The ginger guy asked, leaning closer to my sister.
"Yeah yeah, we'll talk later. Shoo." Jasmine demanded, waving the guy away.
"What just happened?" I questioned suspiciously.
"Nothing. Just some guy who's been bugging me for a couple days." She replied, waving off my question and watching a wild horse documentary on the TV.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"He's like a lost puppy Jules, it's cute. He's not harming anything."
"He smells off."
"He smells off? What's that supposed to mean?" I laughed softly as a memory popped up in my mind.

Just before I left for college, like a year and a half ago ish, Everett insisted he tell me how to decipher if someone was a werewolf or human. I remember standing in his front yard, at least five strangers standing in front of me.
"Ok, this is going to sound really weird, but take a deep breath and smell them." He'd instructed gently, demonstrating the movement.
"You're right, that does sound weird." I agreed, giving him a smile before doing just as he'd showed me with the first guy, the smell of pine needles and dew wafting to me.

"Take a guess. Werewolf, or human?"
"Uhm, human?" I guessed unsurely, giving the guy a questioning look.
"Nope! Werewolf. Werewolves have natural scents, and I don't mean the scent that have. Humans tend to find the most artificial things and put it in their hair or on their bodies, so their smell would be more like an artificial scent, no matter what it is. Try the next person."
I sighed softly and moved on to the next person, took a deep breath and glanced at Everett.

She smelled almost like strawberries, but there was something missing, as if it weren't completely natural.
"Human." I decided, giving a nod.
"Perfect. Next?"
We went on like that until I could confidently tell Everett whether the person was human or werewolf and when I was finished Everett took me for a horseback ride on our favorite trail.
"Keep practicing, knowing who's human and who's werewolf will narrow down the chances of you getting taken or hurt, and it'll help my wolf stay calm. I'll be going to London for a while with Erek." Erek was his older brother -who apparently didn't want the alpha title.

I remember that I'd begrudgingly agreed to his request to stay away and that leads us to why I said he smelled weird.
"Just something Rett taught me." I finally replied, lightly tapping the armrest.
"You have a strange boyfriend Jules." She muttered with a laugh.
"Wow thanks." I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes.
"You're welcome!"

"You're impossible." I muttered to myself.
"I'm going to pretend you didn't say that and instead ask what you want for your birthday?" She inquired.
"Nothing." I replied bluntly.
"C'mon you have to want something."
"I want Rett to be there at my party, since I know you'll throw one. But other than that there's nothing I want."
"Now who impossible." She huffed, throwing her hands in the air.
"I'm not impossible, I'm realistic. There's a difference."

We shared a look and laughed, causing more than a few people to glance in our direction.
"What did I do to deserve the torture of being an older sister?" I questioned the universe, shaking my head.
"What did I do to deserve the torture of being a younger sister?" Jasmine inquired mockingly, rolling her eyes.
"After we're done here why don't we go shopping? Get a dress for the party?"
"As long as it isn't fancy, sure."

She grinned mischievously at me.
"We both know you'll be wearing whatever I tell you to wear." She joked, her eyes going back to the television.
"Not this time little sis, I want something simple and cute. Maybe I'll wear what you want me to, it just depends on what it is."
"Fine." She huffed exaggeratedly and glanced at her phone.
"We should be done soon, I think. I hope none of it gets messed up."
"It'll be fine, I'm sure."

A/N ok, so y'all know how Everett and his siblings all start with 'E'? Like it's a thing for their family? As I was editing this chapter I realized something. 'R'ay and 'R'aven and 'J'uliet and 'J'asmine. I swear I didn't plan this at all, I just think it's so funny.
Anyway, I hope y'all enjoy the story. 1-2 more chapters plus an epilogue!

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