11. Parted souls: Leave me

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You never thought that you would ever be nervous to face anyone in your lifetime but here you are having second thoughts killing you before you step inside the academy

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You never thought that you would ever be nervous to face anyone in your lifetime but here you are having second thoughts killing you before you step inside the academy.

Your hand was placed on the wooden door, thinking a thousand times before pushing it open. You compressor bandaged hand laid flat on the surface as your mother made sure to take care of your wound and pain last night itself. You were feeling a hundred times better due to the precise care towards you.

As you were busy in your thoughts, the academy door suddenly opened and in your view came a man.
"Oh Nari thought you were running late. How are you feeling now?" Harry asked out while eyeing your wrist and then looking into your eyes with genuine care. Harry and Lina have been the only ones in the academy who care for you as a friend and you were so grateful for having them.
"It's fine, Harry, a lot better than yesterday. Thank you for helping yesterday and asking today." you were glad to have him there as a friend.

"No problem at all, it was my duty to take care of you and Jimin when you both have been nothing but nice to us. By the way, Jimin just discussed something serious with me and Lina. I'm not entirely sure if you know about it and are ok with it but please try to talk out with him over it." Harry dropped a new bomb of information on you and your eyes squinted in confusion over some decision that you were a part of but were unaware as well. Thanking Harry, you didn't hesitate in entering the academy and looking around for Jimin.

Everyone was present there with their performance partner and some looked at you with worry and pity, you didn't like that, you were never the girl to receive pity and play the victim card so the gazes were trouble to you. Running from the main hall, you try to look around in the hallway, changing rooms and corridors. Just when you took the first turn to the hallways down the changing room, you heard some hushed voices of two people. Hiding behind the corner, sticking up your back at the white painted wall, you minimize your possibility of being seen and heighten your hearing sense to catch the conversation.

"Please cooperate with me Lina, it's just for a month." It was Jimin pleading with Lina over some matter.
"I will if Harry is okay with it but fill me in on the details of the conflict between the two of you." Lina's tone sounded frustrated and demanding.
"Nothing is wrong between us, I'm just taking a break from us." pleading and convincing was what Jimin sounded like.

"In profession you don't need a break Jimin." and whatever she was talking about she was right.
"We do to keep ourselves stable in all forms and to avoid public attention." you were convinced she was talking about you at this point but you couldn't pinpoint the focal point of this conversation.
"It's not like people are running after you Jimin and I know you like Nari. Why are you pushing her away for the sake of judgemental people?"

Did she just?
you consider her words and anticipate Jimin's answer.

"Lina." his deep breath is practically heard in your ear drum while he continues. "Can we stop this discussion and hear your answer instead." he is so done with the discussion that he wants it to end then and there.
"Well I'm all fi-"

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