6. Setting Example

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It was Mr

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It was Mr. Edgar who wanted you both to understand his perspective but being best friends, one in love and the other in passion, failed to listen to him. The only next thing he needed to test out was miscommunication and professional conflict.

"Today we have to perform pair skate lift with our partners, to apparently confirm our body chemistry as partners." Harry pointed out on the rink already excited to try out the stunt with Linda. You looked over at Jimin, with your hands in your jacket's pocket and his resting in his hips.
"That explains his wrath." You muttered hoping that Jimin would at least give you a nod but he remained expressionless, making it known to you that he is pissed as well. He looked ahead as Mr. Edgar had came out long ago, guiding the third strongest couple in the academy for them to improve body fluidity, the lack of sync in both the partners was necessary and that is what differed you and Jimin from everyone else and that is what created misunderstanding as well.

You saw Jimin stiff and silent as a rock since he stepped out of the cabin and he has been awfully avoiding talking to you but kept a silent check on your anxietic condition, making sure that you are ok.
"Harry and Lina you are up next." the coach voiced out making Lina look at you with nervousness only for you to give her a double thumbs up. When the pair stood before the trainer, they were instructed. "Demonstrate freestyle skating with armpit hold lift. Lina I hope you train your body weight according to Harry's head bearing capacity." The two nodded at Mr. Edgar's words and then the pat on Hardy's back made him lead the way.

The couple dressed up, wearing their skates and stepping on the rink, positioning at the edge to start off with freestyle, a normal way of skating and spinning until the third minute quarter. Harry had to come in front of Lina, hold her hands, nodding his head assuring her like you and Jimin would do and then he placed his one arm over her shoulder, skating by her side and then grabbing onto her other hand, before lifting her off of the ground, supporting her weight on his shoulder and then letting her spin in the air, with her lower abdomen touching his cheek and his both hands holding Lina's which were grabbing his hands supporting her body weight by the hands holding her inner thighs and hand keeping her in the air.

The stunt was so perfectly presented that the rest of the couples were forced to applaud for the execution of perfect armpit hold lift

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The stunt was so perfectly presented that the rest of the couples were forced to applaud for the execution of perfect armpit hold lift. Harry slowly after three spins kept Lina down on the rink, holding her single hand and ending the dance with one hand holding each other's side by side and the other spread out on either sides before bowing like royalty.

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