Serve the Lord

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"My Lord,"

"Good Morning, My Lord."

"My Lord, are you going for a run?"

"Take care, My Lord."

"Stop by and have a refreshment."

The more they run, the more people call for Aren. If you are from Crustox and in Crustox in times of war, you won't be able not to recognize him.

They don't call him Red crow now in fear outsiders will know who he was. Zafrina gives an order to shush everyone.

Others may be confused if they hear them calling him, My Lord but if someone asks do not explain. For now, Crustox is not open for everyone else so only the few loyal merchants that didn't leave Crustox can trade with them.

Zafrina is smart and she is a merchant's daughter, her skills are way better than her late father. Though she is cunning, merchants like her and trust her.

Cameron is also smart. Though he was never given support by his family for being an illegitimate son.Even Darnyll noticed his brilliance and wanted to recruit him to his side before but Cameron has a bigger dream. He wants to go to the capital and work for the Royal family. He wants to become a prime minister someday. He knows he can.

His Uncle thought he was looking down on him for rejecting his offer. With the help of Cameron's brother. They made up a story and imprisoned him.

'If I can't have you, no one will.'

Darnyll laughs

He is frustrated and furious.

He looked up to Darnyll before, he thought he was a good leader and a kind Uncle.

He begs him not to imprison him.

He will work for him.

But Darnyll wasn't moved by his begging. Instead he enjoys watching him suffer.

'It's your fault for rejecting me when I'm asking you nicely.'

Cameron was horrified.

He has a lot of potential. He has dreams but every day in the nightless and dayless prison cell, his hope is slowly diminishing.

He thought he would never be able to get out.

"Cameron Caste."

Cameron meets Zafrina with Miguel.

Cameron has long blonde hair, cracked lips and a thin body. He looks like a living corpse.

But why did he not die?

Why did he not commit suicide?

Cause Cameron wants to live.

"I will give you a choice. Serve my Lord with your life and get out of this cell or stay here and wait to die."

'How cruel.' Cameron is unable to answer but he reaches his trembling thin arms.

'Go. I will serve even the devil. Let me get out of here.'

"Very well." Zafrina smiles and holds his hand shaking it.

"You will also marry me in the process. So hello, husband."

Cameron didn't know what she said after that. He passes out.

When he wakes up. He is in a bed and a ceiling. There are lights and a fresh smell.

He was startled.


"Are you awake? Drink some water." Zafrina sat down and helped Cameron to sit up and drink water.

The Red Crow is the Duke's sonWhere stories live. Discover now