Chapter 16: Death Wish

Start from the beginning

"But I-" Cole protests, however, the disapproving look everyone's faces proved that he was not getting anywhere with that. "Fine." He says with a sigh.

"Good. Now go to sleep, I'll take care of things here." Max pats his dad's arm cheerily before the Vampire King leaves the Throne Room. Lily soon follows him in order to make sure he actually gets some sleep. "Okay, then." The prince says with a soft clap of his hands once everything was calmer. "What's on the agenda?"

Priscilla and the other council members tell the young prince that the king- or him now- was needed to take care of the gala's preparations for tomorrow night. Max agrees to this while following the council members out of the throne room, towards a more disclosed area of the area that they can talk in without being interrupted. They all manage to find an empty storage room close to the throne room where Max made his decisions about the gala.

Nana Valerie, the short and stout vampire council member, looks to the prince with worry before questioning him. "Young Prince, have they found any way to revive the baby yet?" She asks.

Max sighs with a tiny grimace added to his own anxious expression. "I have no idea. Perillia and Ruby have been trying their best to find a solution. It would be better if Phillippio was here to help out, but both of them haven't been seen since their departure to the city, yesterday. And no one knows where Yugataro is now." The future king replies with another irritated sigh. "Do you guys know how to revive a an unborn baby that's been killed? I've read in some medical books that some babies born without a heartbeat can successfully be resuscitated back to life."

Priscilla shakes her head at this information. "That's if the baby was already out, dear child. Your sibling was still in your mother's womb when Noah killed them. We have no power to bring them back like your parents might have."

An agitated groan emerges from Max as he tries to thin of a solution. There were a couple times where he thought of something, but quickly backtracked and doubted his decision. A few moments pass by and his face becomes as bright as a light bulb, finally coming up with an idea.

"What if we used the Rejuvenation Spell on the baby?" Max suggest with a positive grin. "That should definitely work!"

At the mention of the miraculous incantation the Grand Council look to each other, awaiting for their leader's response. Priscilla, although joyful at the idea, had her hesitations. Luckily, she agreed to the idea with a firm nod. Max beams proudly at his decision, telling them that he would instantly tell the healers, and his parents.

Things were looking bright for the royal family.

"Okay, so I'll go and tell them right now." Max says with a large grin. "I'll see you later." He runs off with a unmeasurable amount joy.

The Council happily lets him leave, deciding that it would be best for the child to happy, instead of worrying so much before the celebration. They all walk out of the room and make their ways to the throne room. As they do so, a shadowy figure passes by them from out of the blue. Recognizing it as the king, Priscilla hurries over to Cole.

"Your majesty!" She gladly calls out, causing the king to stop in his tracks. "We've got brilliant news! The baby is going to be fine. Max, your son, had the idea to use the Rejuvenation Spell on the baby in order to bring it back to life."

Cole is silent for a moment prior to speaking softly, yet in a firm voice. "Good."

He continues to walk.

"Wait!" Nana Valerie, a stout vampire Council member, stops the man. "Aren't you supposed to be resting right now?"

More silence.

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