Chapter 18

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For once, I am not woken by Pierre upon Kalista's orders, so when I finally pull myself from the chasm of slumber, it is nearly noon. I groan and roll to a sitting position. My shoulder and head still ache, but I make myself stand anyway. The room spins in a whirl of colour and I take hold of the bedpost to steady myself.


There is colour. Last night this room was not so bright. It was clean and tidy, but the carpet was faded, and dust slept upon the mantelpiece. The illusion. Kalista replaced the illusion. Ridiculous. Why would she do that?

I reach for the servant bell beside my bed and pull. This is the first time I have used it, but it is necessary. I must obtain some answers from Cedric.

Within a few minutes, the door cracks open and Cedric is inside. "You rang, sir?"

"Why is the illusion back in place?"

"That is a question for Lady Kalista."

I take a few steps forward and, thankfully, the room remains still. "Where is she?"

"Of that, I am not certain."

"You must have an idea," I press.

"I will bring you breakfast, and Pierre will be here shortly to help you dress." With that, he leaves again. How do you make an invisible person stay and answer your questions?

While Cedric is gone, I dress in my usual breeches, shirt, and waistcoat. As I am finishing, Pierre and Cedric return with food and a series of scoldings at my taste in fashion. I only half-listen to them while I eat my meal of bread, cheese, and fruit. When I am finished, I leave my room and begin my search for Kalista.

She is nowhere to be found.

Not in the library, not in the stables, not in her rooms, not in the gardens. Abraxas is still in his stall, so that cancels out riding. The only place I don't check is the west tower. I would if could, but no matter how many gardening books I pull from the shelf, a secret door is not revealed. My only option is to wait for dinner.

She is not there either.

And strangely, what I feel is not so much anger as it is worry. I fear that Kalista is not well or that something has happened to her. For a second time, I attempt to question the servants but try as I might, they do not even grant me a minuscule hint.

In the morning, I try searching for her again, but just as yesterday, she is nowhere to be found and I am left to wander about a deceivingly perfect palace. Eventually, I find myself standing in the ballroom, staring at the intricately painted piano. Kalista hates that her palace is crumbling so she replaced the illusion, but what if I undo it? Will it draw her from hiding? It is worth a try.

I move to sit by the piano, close my eyes, and bring to mind the notes she played. My fingers touch the ivory keys. F, E, and A. There is a shift in the air like when the humidity lifts after a rainstorm. It worked, so now I simply have to wait.

It does not take long.

The doors to the ballroom crash open and Kalista strides in. While her midnight hair is pulled away from her face, it is in a tangle that cascades down her back and blends with her black dress. One of her sleeves is torn near the wrist and upon that same hand, dried blood marks a cut upon her palm. But the worst is her face. Her cheeks are sunken like she has not slept or eaten for an entire day—she probably has not—and her expression is so stony I fear it will crush me.

"What are you doing?"

I try not to flinch at her sharp tone. "What are you doing? You look awful."

"It is none of your business."

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