Chapter 5

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My fingers curl about the apple in my pocket and Arawn's horse nickers in excitement. I hold it out to him and his velvety lips brush against my palm as he bites up the treat.

"You are as bad as Abraxas." I smile and run a hand over his neck. "I wish I knew your name; it feels strange to call you nothing, and I do not want to call you horse. Do you think your master would tell me if I asked?" The horse shakes his head and I laugh. "You are right, he probably wouldn't."

With a final pat upon his withers, I slip out of the stable and head to the palace. Cedric is immediately at my side when I enter the atrium.

"My lady, my nerves cannot tolerate it any longer." He sounds absolutely peeved and he agitatedly fidgets with his watch.

"What did he do?" I ask, unpinning my hat and removing my riding gloves.

"H-he took the roses from his room and spread the petals everywhere—they are everywhere—and-and he took pictures off of the wall and chairs and benches are in the m-middle of the hall and... Well, it is an utter disaster."

I cannot help but smile in amusement. Arawn is intelligent. He likely tried to mark his path with rose petals and furniture which is a feat that would work in most other circumstances.

"But my lady, he also moved the statue."

I freeze with one foot upon the bottom stair. "Now that is interesting."

Does he understand that it is the statue which holds the spell? All he needs to do is turn it to face the wall and the illusion will be broken.

Suddenly excited, I hurry up the stairs and call over my shoulder, "Bear it a few more moments please, Cedric. I just need to change and then I will see to it."

He mumbles something, but I am too far away to hear what he says. This could be it. Arawn is intelligent and stubborn. Maybe, just maybe he will be the one. But what about his hatred of me? This thought tugs and twists at my stomach. Yet, I ignore it. Let my hope be greater than my fear.

In a frenzied rush, Beedy helps me out of my riding habit and into a day dress. She then arranges my hair in a loose bun at the nape of my neck. More nervous than excited, I leave my room and search for Arawn. Cedric was right, white rose petals are in a haphazard trail upon the floor and here and there furniture or decorations are out of place. While I walk, I pull magic to my fingertips and use it to gather the petals and straighten the furniture. It is nearly invisible but for a few tiny silver sparks which float about my fingertips.

I find him sitting upon the floor with one elbow upon the horse statue which is not where it is supposed to be. It is on the opposite side of the hall. He was so close to shattering the illusion.

"Will you allow me to give you a tour?" I ask, pausing just before light from the window can touch me.

He narrows his eyes at the opposite wall but does not look at me. "If you give me a tour, will I be able to find my way?"

"Maybe you should let me give you the tour and then you will find out," I reply, hiding my hands in the fabric of my dress; just in case a few sparks of magic linger.

He bites the inside of his lip and I can see on his expression that he is weighing the risks and benefits of accepting my invitation. Suddenly, he rises, and I am taken aback by his stature. He is at least four inches taller than me and clearly much stronger. It frightens me since without my magic, he could easily overpower me.

"This way," I direct, brushing past the horse statue.

He cautiously follows me, and I cannot help but notice the expression of wonder. It is because of me. He has never seen my features so plainly exposed. What was he expecting? Fangs, claws, maybe some fur and a tail? And what does he see? A woman with raven hair, grey eyes, and pale skin? I nearly want to ask him if I look like the beast he imagined me to be.

Beautiful BeastOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant