Who Says "I Love You" First [Bruce, Clint, Tony]

Start from the beginning

"You have a moving target," he answers.

"So does the training arena."

"The wind can affect your shooting."

"There are fans with natural breeze modes."

"Environment factors."

"Simulations and wood sets."

"Because I asked you too."

"Well fair enough." Clint smiles to that as you reach in your quiver for an arrow.

"Okay, I know your miserable, so how about three small hits or one big hit, and we'll leave. Deal?" You nod.

It's only a few minutes when you hear a familiar cawing. Looking toward the sky, you and Clint see a flock of birds flying over head. The arrows become readied in your bow.

"Right in the heart, Katniss."

"Oh, I can do better." With that, you take two more arrows from your back, aim, and shoot. Three ravens come down, each with an arrow through their open beaks.

Wow, and I thought I couldn't love you more.

"What was that?" you ask, eyes widened. Clint's eyes widened, for he didn't know he voiced his thoughts.

"What was what?"

"You love me?"

"Did I say that?"

"Are you denying it?" He smiles, pulling you in closer for a kiss.


T o n y S t a r k

"Babe, I'm so sorry I couldn't be there tonight."

"It's okay," you comment over the phone, but inside you were breaking. You were waiting for this day for so long now: picnic dinner at candlelight in the park, a night stroll on the beach, two perfect ways to celebrate your six month anniversary. Tony promised that he would keep that day open to just be with you, but it seemed like villains and SHIELD security breeches thought otherwise.

You hang up the phone, and your tears go from silent to sobbing. It hurt you that your relationship could never be normal, but what hurt even more was actually—and even the thought alone—of leaving your best friend and, most likely, him finding someone else or, worse yet, being miserable. You had seen the way he was torn after losing Pepper in the accident. And he even told you that he had never felt happier after being with you. How would he handle if you walked out on him.

"Miss (Y/L/N), would you care for a hot beverage? Tea, perhaps?"

"No thank you, Jarvis." You knew he was only trying to help, but you'd rather be alone if you couldn't be with Tony.

You slump to your room and flop onto the bed, burying your face in your pillow. Makeup, a nice dress that you were actually proud of, two days of making the food—all for nothing, all to yet another lonely night.

The phone rings again. You ignore it, not even looking at the caller ID. It rings a second time, a third, a fourth, a fifth. By the sixth time, you're fed up and you pick it up.


"Look outside, babe, toward the ocean." You do, pulling back the blinds, and you can clearly read his message in the sky.

I love you, (Y/N).

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