A day with the air signs

Start from the beginning

I could practically imagine what her expression was. Knowing Capricorn she probably made an eye roll but at the same time trying to suppress a smile.
"Have fun then." I heard the younger girl answer and seconds later Libra was dragged out of the room by Gemini.

"Let's go." He said excited and we both followed him as he lead us out of the house.

"What should we do first?" Libra said out loud.

"I know something we could do, let's go skydiving!" Gemini exclaimed excited. Libra agreed with a small nod.

"Ehh you guys know I am not that good with heights." I reminded nervously. Just the thoughts of going up the stairs made me dizzy and I don't want to know how skydiving would make me feel.

"Please we promise to be there for you and if it gets to scary for you then we could always leave." Gemini begged and Libra nodded as well. In the end I agreed with them and we all took a bus to the skydiving place.

"You guys seem a bit to young for this, how old are you?" The lady at the reception asked as I paid.

"16" I lied with a ensuring smile.

"Well then go and find all the things you need." The receptionist said.


"So is this everyone?" A young man who I assume was the instructor asked. Not getting any response the man decided to go to the plane, with us following him briskly.

As soon as we got on the plane, a bad feeling washed over me. As much as I tried to keep myself calm I couldn't control my hands from shaking. Unfortunately the boys noticed and they once again asked if I was okay. I lied not wanting to ruin anything. I felt the plane move and it wasn't before it was high up in the sky that I noticed that I was holding my breath.

The instructor told us that it was time for us to go to the back of the plane and preparing outself to jump.

"Hello this is the captain speaking. We are now above 4.2 kilometres from the ground."
I gulped loudly getting dizzier by the second. I never thought that we were jumping from this height.

"Hey Aqua, me and Libra have talked about it and we don't want to do the skydiving anymore." Gemini said getting my attention.

"What do you mean?" I asked clearly confused.

"Well, we noticed how scared you looked and we now we feel bad because we are making you go through this. We feel like bad friends, because we knew how much you hated height." Libra said bitting his lip.

"Yes and that's why we decided that we should go do something else, maybe go bowling?" Gemini continued.

I was so shocked that I couldn't speak. They really cared about me so much that they would sacrifice their plans just because of me. Just the thought of it made me tear up.

"Well sorry to interrupt your little conversation here but it's to late for you guys to chick out." The instructor said as the back of the plane opened.

"Wait, can't we just use the plane to get down?" Libra asked but the instructor shock his head.

"Sorry there is nothing I could do about it. But that's fine because you guys will really love this experience." He said and pushed us out with him. Not even holy water would be able to wash my mouth, all the things I said and cursed about that man. I looked around and a slightly panic came over me as I notice the distance between the ground and me. I felt like tearing up.

As I fell I felt something grab my hands, I looked up to see that it was a scared Libra and an overwhelmed Gemini. I somewhat felt happy that they were as scared as I was. As we quickly closed to the ground I felt the wind change and we somehow safely feel to the ground.

"That was awesome!" Gemini shouted but Libra disagreed.

"Remind me to never accept anything coming from Gemini." He muttered loudly.

"So what do you think, should we do it again Aqua?" Gemini asked and I took a second to reply.

"Never ever." I grinned happily.

Awww we finally got to see a bonding time with the air signs!

Heyo everyone guess who is back after disappearing for almost a month!

Anyways hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Time to disappear for another month-.-

See ya later guys, girls and our lovely non-binary pals!


Edited, 2023/06

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