
38 1 12

*Present time*

I lay in my bed.

I remember it all now. Up until the very last part. Since my vision went out. So that's why I was in a coma? His mom hit me with a bat? That's cold.

It's been years since I seen him though. I wonder how he's doing. Maybe he has social media?

I try to find any account that may be his but I couldn't find anything.

"Well shit" I mumble with a sigh.

It's been two days since his mom has been taken to jail. There is going to be a trial next week. Asking if I knew anything, just as proof. That they know they have their facts in order.

It's kind of hot in my room so I crack open the window.

"Hey the shower is open" my brother says to me since I've been waiting to get a shower.

My older brother is one of the goth kids from my school. Michael.

Him and I would bicker over music sometimes in the car, but we usually get along.

And his friends even like me. So that's a plus.

"Okay" I say as I head to the shower.

About a half hour later I finish up and make my way back to my room.

It's cooled off a bit so I decided that it's time to close my window.

I head over as I hear a dog barking.

Then there was a voice following it. A very fucking familiar voice.

"Calm down Charlie. Zou don't want to make ze neighbors pissy"

It was Christophe.

I can see him walking on the side walk, on the other side of the street. He has returned from rehab.

I'm tempted to shout to him, to tell him I'm here. He looks like how I remembered him to be like. Just more matured and taller. He has a similar outfit to what he wore years ago.

By the looks of it he's walking a German Shepherd. Which is funny cause I wouldnt see him as a dog person.

I back away from the window.

My thoughts are running. I pick up my phone and open messages. I click on "Foreign kids + Y/n" and I text the group chat.

Me: guys I just fucking saw Christophe outside


Me: no shit. He's probably back since his mom was finally taken to jail 😐

Pip: that sounds about right

Damien: his mom deserves to be in jail. I can't believe she tried to murder her son, and placed you into a coma. Even if it only lasted a week.

Pip: I'm so happy I can sing!

Me: Pip we talked about this 😐

Pip: Whippy tippy tu tu tra la la la!

Me: Pip please stop

Pip: sorry

Me: it's adorably annoying

Damien: it gives off little brother vibes

Gregory: guys guess what

Damien: what?

*Gregory adds Christophe to the gc*

I stare blankly at my phone. Shit.

Christophe: Gregory this isn't why I gave you my fucking number

Damien: someone is spicy today

Pip: group chats are fun!

Damien: sometimes they are

Pip: Christophe, wanna here a little song I made!?

Christophe: sure?


Christophe: Y/n...? Gregory is this why you added me? 😐

Please don't tell me I'm in deep shit...

Gregory: ehem. You're welcome for me reconnecting you with your blast from the past. Aren't you two technically together? You guys never broke up

Christophe: Gregory. Why would I have this conversation in a group chat?

Gregory: I... La resistance?

Me: no

My phone dings and I see a text directly from Christophe.

Christophe: meet me at Stark's pond. We need to talk

A Boy Named Christophe Where stories live. Discover now