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It's getting late. We have a lot of work to do tonight so this is going to be interesting.

Stan knocks on Christophe's door and the brunette opens it with a sigh.

We start walking and I shove my hands into my pockets of my jacket.

Christophe lights a cigarette and offers for me to hit it.

"I'm good. I don't want to ruin my lungs yet" I say as I notice a View-Master on his belt.

Sometimes I forget we are just kids. Especially since South Park is fucked up.

I confirmed last night that I do in fact have a childish crush on Christophe. I want to pass notes to him in class, hold his hand in the hallway, all of that.

And no one should be worried about finding a clitoris, which is a sexual organ! Stan...

We stop at the top of a hill as Christophe motions for us to lay down so people don't see us.

He pulls out his View-Master which makes me giggle.

He ignores that and switches the lenses and just looks at different animals.

"Christophe that isn't even a pair of binoculars. Your looking at giraffes" I say as he puts down the View-Master.

"I know what ze hell I'm doing" he says in his French accent.

"Oh god dammit! We don't have time to look at giraffes! " Kyle says as we get up.

We walk down the hill to a barbwire fence.

Christophe pulls out wire cutters as he cuts through the fence.

He helps us all under it as we make it to the other side.

Christophe starts digging as Stan goes off about the clitoris thing.

"I gotta find the clitoris so this Wendy girl can like me again-"

"Zou need to stop zinking with your dick! Zou got to be on your toes! Because I'm not being grounded again! Not for you! Not for anybody! " Christophe says as he stops digging.

"Okay... " Stan says slowly.

Stan just stands there for a moment as Christophe continues.

"Cartman. Over zere. Ze electrical box. I need zou to shut it off, or they will be alarmed and I will be attacked by guard dogs. And I hate fucking guard dogs! "

"I heard you the first time you British piece of shit! " Cartman says as he proceeds to get distracted.

"We need some sort of signal for when you need to head in" I say as Christophe grins.

"Yes! Guys. Make a sound like a dying giraffe! " Christophe says.

"What does a dying giraffe sound like? " Stan asks confused.

"Oooh-waa-ooh-waa" Christophe says as I laugh a little.

"Alrighty then" Kyle says as Christophe looks at Cartman, who appears to be distracted again.

"What zo you zink zis is, kid? TV kiddy hour where we all sit around and lick Barney the dinosaur's fucking pussy? Huh? Thiz iz real life, with consequencez you take to the grave!" Christophe says as I just look at him with wide eyes.

"Did we watch the same type of Barney? Holy shit dude" I say as Stan looks at me.

"Did he say pussy? As in vagina? " Stan asks.

"Oh yea. The clitoris is part of the vagina Stan. So please don't try to find it" I say as Stan gives me a disgusted face.

"Ew! Why would chef tell me to find that!? " Stan exclaims.

"I don't know. But I'm very scared of him now" I say as Christophe hands me his shovel.

"It will be easier for me zo go through the zunnel without zis" he says.

"Be careful dude" Kyle says as Christophe looks at him.

"Careful? Was my mother careful when she stabbed me in the heart with a clothes hanger while I was still in ze womb?" Christophe says as I pat him on the shoulder.

"Sweetheart she was trying to abort you" I say as Christophe looks at me.

"No sheet"

A Boy Named Christophe Where stories live. Discover now