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The three wei kids were taken back home. To their home.
The yiling wei sect.
Yanli came to her home for the first time. Madam Yu never allowed her to go to the wei sect.

Wei yang couldn't couldn't contain his tears either.
Home, the home he forgot he had.
And wei ying , although he couldn't see he could feel the happiness and tears of the people around him.

"Lan zhan" he called out to the man who never left his hands since he was found.
"A-ying " he called to which wei ying blushed.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Wei ying asked.

"Mm, just like it was 13 years ago. Lan wangji replied.

They saw the large portrait of Wei changse and cangse sanre in the main hall.

" Mother, father. " Yanli and yang called. They held wei ying's hands and bowed together.

The people watching these were in tears.
The wei heirs turned around to the people of yiling, their people. They bowed again

"Thank you everyone, " they said.

The people bowed back.They have always took care of the sect. They didn't believe that the sect was left alone with one. They believed some day someone would be back. And now they are here.

" Jie " wei ying called.
" yes xianxian " yanli.

" You should be the sect leader. " he said.

Yanli was confused.How could she be. She has very little knowledge on that.
"Jie, when mother and father found out about you do you know what all our people said?" Wei ying asked.

Yanli shaked a no.

"To bring their future sect leader back, now you are here you should fulfil their dream. The dream of our Shixiongs and shijie's dream.The ones who are no more."  Wei ying said.
Wei yang also hugged his sister.
"Jie, you can do it. Remember you are Cangse sanren's daughter." He said.

Yanli cried, she nodded her head.
" I am the daughter of Cangse sanren and Wei changse " she repeated.

" Don't you worry about your core, I am not here for nothing. " They heard a voice behind them.

Everyone turned around to see the woman they thought was dead for a decade.Wei jia, wei feng's wife.

Qiren looked at the women and wei jia looked at the man. She smiled at the man.

Qiren was happy, wei jia is alive. It's wei meiren's shijie, his dead lover's shijie.
His fiancé was found by Wei jia injured by a corpse. That is how she became a part of wei sect, later a part of lan qiren.Wei jia was everything for wei meiren.

"A-Ying " she called to wei ying who flinched and tears found their way to his eye.

"Aunt jia…is that you?" He asked.

" Yes, " she said and hugged the child. She wish yu ziyuan was alive so she could once more burn her alive.

"Now we have 4 survivors, " Nie Mingjue said.

Yanli was still unsure when wen rouhan walked.

" You are not alone in this Wei yanli, we all are with you. " he said to the child.

She smiled and nodded and walked to the thorn. She sat there and everyone started applauding.

Lan xichen was crying tears of happiness.

" A-li, all these years you were with me as a big sister despite being younger. It's time for me to be your big brother. Like our mothers, we will work together. The Wei sext will be back to it's glory in no time. " he said, taking her hands in assurance.

Let me be your Eyes (Wangxian ) [ COMPLETED ]Where stories live. Discover now