Part 3

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I got ready to go to yunmeng ,not that I like to but I have to for her Jiang Yanli , my bestfriend .

Yanli have been house confined for almost 5 years now.The last time I saw her she was badly injured .

No just that, she was wounded from  'Zidian'.

Yanli is my best friend from a young age , she is the only person in lotus pier who is a sensible human .I even have thought if she really was a jiang .

When our mother passed away we had Cangse mama who was our mother's best friend nd sworn sister .One day she too left all of us . It was devastating for us especially for A-zhan as A-ying was his dearest person next to our mother .Then it was yanli who was being a sister figure to us .She was a big sister to A-zhan and even me who was 2 years older to her .

She was always there for me when I am too  tired .After mom's death father was devastated , qiren shufu never married because the woman he was engaged with passed away during the attack in wei sect  and he never  felt that feeling to anyone else.

Yanli became a mother , sister and friend for me.I noticed her changes especially the bruises which she brushed off as 'accidental during cooking'  and the worry in her eyes whenever she  goes out of lotus pier like she was in a rush to return back . Her golden core was very week because Madam yu thought teaching cultivation to women is useless . I used to secretly train yanli for self defense .

Yanli was betrothed to Jin Zixuan. They both doesn't like that because Yanli saw zixuan as a younger brother just like zixuan who saw yanli as a big sister , but she can never say this to Madam Yu .Even thou she never said it was clear as day that Madam yu  didn't like her daughter who was a 'human' unlike them.

Zixuan promised her to find a way as his mother will listen to him.

It was the last time she visited Cloud Recess.The letter send where not received .Madam yu said Yanli will be staying at Lotus pier until marriage to learn how to be a good wife.

That fateful day I was on my way to Qishan after my visit to Qinghe .I got a new friend apart from Wen Xu who was introduced as his cousin Wen Qing who was the daughter of the great healer in Dafan who recently passed away leaving all his books and medical knowledge to his daughter.I also met with Wen Ning wen qings  baby brother a naive boy who was younger than wangji .The boy was soo cute that I had a sudden urge to pinch his cheek and protect him but not under the watch of the wen brothers watch who were training him self defense because somebody bullied him.How can someone even think of bullying this cinnamon roll?

They love their didi but they also want him to be strong enough to kick some ass.

That day Wen Qing called me and asked me to follow her .She took me to dafan to her room.The site I saw there shocked me .

Jiang yanli was laying there.She was injured badly .She looked so pale.

What wen qing told me came as another shock to me.

She was striked with 'zidian' more that once.

Zidian...her mother's weapons which can't be weilded by anyone  other than YU ZIYUAN !

Why would she whip her own daughter who doesn't have a core strong enough to endure Zidian.

If not for the secret training  she did with me she that strengthened her core she would have not be breathing now.

Wen Qing found her in the woods .Someone left her there to die as she told there was fresh footprints .

I had a sudden urge to kill that evil women .

We stayed with yanli day and night .Every night she would have nightmares and scream a name.


I have never heard about this xian .

She woke up the 4th day all panicking .

"A-li ....A-li are you alright ?"

"Xian ...xianxian"

"A-li look at me's me xichen"

She took a moment to register her surrounding and started tearing up.

"I ..I need to go...they ..they no...I need to go"

With that she stood up but fell back as she was too weak.

"A-li listen , you can't travel now. You are injured and I don't want you to go back to that place."

"No No I can't ....Xichen ge please "

She started sobbing but refused to tell us anything about how she got injured and about Xian.She looked like a mother whose child is missing .

Wen Qing helped her recover faster and I saw the love she has in her eyes for my little A-Li .

I knew I has to play the cupid so I started planning a wedding and a murder together.

I was late because when I  entered yanli's room with a tray of her favorite foods I saw the two women's kissing .

They were so indulged in their makeout session that they didn't notice the poor me .

I should have knocked ...

My little A-li have grown up. I wonder if I will find my A-zhan in this situation..... Well probably not... The lans are known to be strong lovers and people who only has one soulmate..
Wangji still love his soulmate.

Yanli returned to yunmeng but before that she told me something.

"Xichen ge one day I will need your help ..I don't know when but When it's time can you please help me may be for the last time."

"A-li what are you saying ?"

" Please don't ask me anything now .I won't be able to say the reason now but will you help me ?"

"Yes I will "

"Then if....if something happens to me take care of A-qing.'

She didn't even let me talk as she started her travel.

But I understood her life in lotus pier is in threat and that's the last time I got to see her.

Until I found a letter near the pond we used to play as kids .

That's how me and wen qing started writing to her and wen qing started  send her medicines with it as she requested .

That's how we knew she was alive.

Even zixuan was not allowed to see her .

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