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Sonic's eyes fluttered open and he saw the medical equipment that was in the room and the rails of the hospital bed, he didn't remember getting out of the G.U.N building, he felt something metal around his left leg, and the stringing of his wounds that were stitched closed even the claim mark on his shoulder.

"Before you two start to kill each other...Sonic loves you both, which is why he couldn't decide, and it's clear that you both care about him equally"

Sonic's ears pinned to his skull, when he heard Rouge's voice that's right Shadow marked him before they escaped...and he was to afraid to tel Scourge cause he didn't want him to be honk that he cheated.

But he loved them both, they all gave him hope with that hellhole, and a reason to not just give up on escaping.

"At least...for his sake, he's not gonna be the same after what Towe put him through"

There was growl on the other side of the door, it sounded like Scourge, who had an obvious slap mark on his face from Rouge smacking him to get him to shut up and listen. Shadow on the hand had his arms folded, he wasn't afraid to take down Scourge, even if his mate love the other male.

"And If I heard that you fucking hit him, Scourge, I will personally brake you Damn Arm!"

Their attention was turned to the hospital room door, when they heard sobbing...Sonic really help that he was emotional, his brain was just completely destroyed from all the trauma he went through, from all the Soldiers, calling him names, to the scientists running experiments on him, to the hallucinations...he just wasn't the same hedgehog anymore.

Yeah he still had the stubbornness nature where he couldn't give up, but everything else he had completely forgotten. He flinched when the heard the slam open, why was his crying...it wasn't because of Rouge's threat, but because of his leg, the only other thing that he remembered was that he loved to run, and now...he couldn't do that anymore cause of the leg brace.

"Well" Rouge motioned to the two Males.

There was of course some tension between the two, Scourge and Shadow were very different on how dealt with Sonic, Scourge took action instead of using his words, while Shadow was more calm, but a little straight forward.

"Sonic? What's wrong?" Shadow asked.

"I...I can't feel it..." Sonic sobbed "I can't feel...my leg..." he added.

Rouge pushed both males fulling into the room, watching and standing in the doorway, she did all she could do with Sonic...but the hedgehog wasn't her mate.

"Blue, It's gonna be okay I mean doesn't that leg brace look cool" Scourge said as he goes over to Sonic.

Sonic looks down at the leg brace, it was completely made of metal, and can be removed for bathing, but needed to be put back on, since it was for his weak bones to not fail on him when he was walking. He shook his head as he sniffs.

"I think it does, it makes you look tough" Scourge added wiping away the hedgehog's tears with his thumbs.

Shadow took a seat in the chair that was opposite to Scourge.

Rouge lets out a small sigh, she knew that threatening Scourge was gonna get him to listen of course after she physically shown that she wasn't afraid to hurt him at least. It was just gonna be awhile before Sonic was discharged out of the hospital, since they wanted to do some more testing to see if the hedgehog was truly ready to be apart of society.

But right now it was time to make sure that the two dumbass didn't kill each other over the mate that they both love first.

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