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Sonic's ear twitches when he heard a noise, it didn't sound like anything in nature, in a bit of a panic his eyes shot open, and he was met with a very white room...with a king size bed with black bedsheets and pillow cases, a single nightstand with a dresser, but metal looking doors in front of him.

"W-Where am I?" He asked out loud.

"Glad to see that your awake, Hedgehog"

Sonic nearly jumped out of the bed when heard the voice, he looked forward to see the Commander of G.U.N, standing in the doorway of the metal doors.

"What do you want?" Sonic growled, though compared to much stronger Alphas his wasn't that intimidating.

Towe looked over at the soldiers that was walking with, before gently nodding at them, of course it didn't really take Sonic long to sense that he was in danger, and he jumped into action, or at least he tried to...but the armor that the soldiers were wearing had been upgraded to withstand his sharp quills, when he spin dashed or homing attacked them. He lets out a small yelp when he was roughly grabbed by the bruise scruff of his neck.

"I have to say...Hedgehog, for someone who used to be Mobius' greatest hero, you are rather quiet pathetic" Towe said to the hedgehog, "and to answer your question, I want that Alpha of your's to cooperate with me"

"I doubt he'll come to rescue me...he only saw me as a tool" Sonic thought as he didn't say anything else.

"I do hope that you put up more of a fight, Hedgehog, cause I have my ways to get that Alpha to crack" Towe smirks as he turns to leave, and he knows just how to test this method.

Over his years of working with Project Shadow, and Agent Rouge, he came to realize that both Agents, mostly Shadow, has a soft side for the hedgehog.

Sonic was handed over to some Scientists, to deal with, it didn't really help that his body was to tired to fight back, do to the lack of sleep, and the self-harming that he put his body through cause he was just depressed. Though the Scientists just stripped him off his clothes, as if it was a some sort of medical exam. He didn't have any regrets...maybe he can prove that he is strong...and that he didn't really need an alpha.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Shadow was blasting through the forest that borders around Green Hill, he just figured that the blue hedgehog, had ran through here...it was quiet place for any one to come and just think, and considering how much stress the Omega was in, it just seemed like the kind of place that he would go. Sadly he didn't find any sign of the hedgehog, he soon skits to a stop.

"Alright Hedgehog...I know you couldn't have gone far" Shadow said out a loud, base on the state that Sonic was in, his legs really couldn't carry him as far as maybe five hundred miles, even if he was run at top speed. He soon came a stop in front of a cave, before going in however just sticking his head into the dark cave, he could already pick up the Omega's scent, but there was also some other scent. He entered the cave and looking around, this was definitely the cave that Sonic took shelter in...since he smell was still lingering around. "What the?" He said as something shiny caught his attention, kneeling down, he picked up a tranquilizer dart off of the floor the contents of the dart had completely been emptied. He growls to himself he had some ideas as to had the hedgehog, and he didn't like either one. As quickly as he arrived he bolted out of the cave pulling the communicator out that Tails had given him.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Amy had her piko-piko hammer in her hands as she was on the defensive, of course she went with Rouge to try and find this so call Alpha, that brutally hurt the hedgehog that she had a crush on, and she was ready to give him a piece of her mind...with Violence of Course.

The Bat on the hand, had her back facing Amy, staring at the many Alphas and Betas, that belonged to the Destructix Gang.

"Damn if I would've known I'll be ambushed by some girls, I'd probably already have myself in handcuffs" Scourge commented.

Rouge only rolled her eyes, "Can it Scourge you know why we are here?"

"Besides ruining my evening with trashing the place...no I don't" Scourge snapped back.

Amy swings her hammer down hard in front of the emerald hedgehog, causing him to jump back. "Where is Sonic? Scourge!" She hissed.

Scourge was taken back by that name, its only been a few weeks, and had completed distracted himself from thinking about his Omega, or at least he tried too...but that damn hedgehog was always on his mind. "I literally can't tell you"

"That's bullshit, cause I know damn well that a backstabbing asshole like yourself probably has him hidden in a some kind of dungeon" Rouge growled.

"First of all I only do that people I don't like, and Second of all I haven't purposely laid a finger on him" Scourge admitted he flinches when the hammer was raised.

Before Rouge could protest her communicator went off.

"Rouge! I think I have an idea as who took Sonic"

"If it's the same guy that I'm talking to at the moment than I alre-"

"I really can't explain it...all I know is that he's in great danger"

Before Rouge could answer the call had ended.

Scourge folded his arms, though it really couldn't hide the fact that he was concerned about Sonic.

Rouge growls at herself as she turned her attention towards Amy, "This doesn't mean your off the hook, Scourge, Sonic my trust you, but I most certainly do not" she tells the emerald hedgehog, who only rolled his eyes.

When the two girls left the area, that wasn't even the gangs hideout since they were dealing with other things...that involved that other gang.

"You aren't serious thinking of going after them?" Fiona growled.

"And so what If I did?"

Fiona balls her hands into a fist, "How can you seriously fall for someone who is our enemy"

Scourge turned away from her, "I just did, and I really don't need to explain myself."

Before Fiona could protest, a flash of green bolted pasted her, she only snarls at the blur...ever since Sonic came into Scourge's life he had always been thinking about that useless Omega...she hated to admit it, but she was kind of jealous of the Omega, this whole gang...had been her and Scourge's plan, as well as wanting rule over Mobius, together, not with that blue Omega.

"If I have to...I'll just kill him on the spot..." Fiona thought to herself.

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