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A male green hedgehog, with a massive scar on his chest, a peach muzzle, underbelly, and arms, wearing a black leather jacket with a flame patch on the sleeve, baggy jeans that were torn at the knees, a dark blue arm band, and red shades on his forehead. This is Scourge The Hedgehog. Sonic's Alpha...well he used to be before an argument drove them apart, though he is still the Omega's Alpha since he had marked him.

Scourge just had his back pressed against the door, as he looked down at his knees, since this whole ranking system started he's been rather abusing his rank to get what he wanted.

"Why do have someone else's scent on you?"

Sonic held onto his cheek, a big red mark was left in its placed, his ears were pinned to his head as he looked shocked at his Alpha.

Scourge shakes his head at the look the omega gave him...he had always suffer with his anger, he really wasn't one to talk about his emotions, since he's actions just spoke louder than words, and at the time he was mostly angry at himself...not his omega, but he just lashed out at the male, he felt tears forming in the corner eyes, no one in his life had actually showed him so much care that he actually felt like he belonged.

Before The Required Ranking, Scourge really didn't have much going for him, didn't have great friends, didn't have a good home life, was always seen in the wrong crowd, you showed any kind of emotions you were consider weak...something that he wasn't. Just no matter how hard he tried...everyone saw him as a weakling.

His ear twitches when he heard the slight sound of his phone going off, he just let it ring...he didn't want to talk anyone, not when he vulnerable, he just pulls his knees closer to his chest.

"You don't have to act tough in front of me...Scourge...I just wish you'd just talk me and tell me how you feel"

Scourge growled to himself as he got up from the floor, "I don't need him..." he mutters to himself, which in fact he did...he felt empty without Sonic being next to him, since he wasn't hero anymore...the Blue Blur had been dealing with his own depression, since his fans thought of him as something weak, it didn't even help that his greatest enemy Dr. Ivo Robotnik, uses his rank against him to win the fights.

He wasn't any different...before the two started dating, he was only gonna use the broken hero as away to make himself feel stronger, but seeing how much the Blue Blur relied on him...made him change his way of thinking.

Then why does he constantly hurt the one he cared about?

Scourge goes through the draws in underneath his sink, looking for something, anything.

He pulls out a small black box, upon opening the box, inside was a single syringe, with a liquid bottle that was labeled Heroine

"Just one needle..." Scourge said to himself, as he started to take his jacket off, his arms were just as much bruised as Sonic's was...deep permanent cuts that ran in all directions, but leading up to his shoulder, was needle holes...the looked to come from who was an active drug user.

In his past...he had been one of those users, again he was friends with the wrong crowd of people, but being a drug user had gotten the likes of his own parents to care about him...something he desperately wanted.

He pulled the syringe into his hand, before he started shaking...he hadn't been on the drugs for five years now.

"Why can't I do it...he already hates me for the way I've treated him" He thought to himself. As he just set the syringe down on the counter next to the sink. "I'm not any better than his own fans"

He just lets out a small sigh, as he throws the syringe away, he just knew that Sonic wasn't gonna comeback to him, not after the abuse he put him through, but even a marked Omega...can't get themselves another Mate, after they are marked they are permanently the mates of the one who marked them.

Scourge just pulls out his pocket knife out of his jacket pocket, and just dug the blade into his arms, going back over the already made scars on his arms, he's immune to the pain...just the physical pain, mental pain not so much, just his own years of being in jail for his crimes that his fake friends forced him to do, none of them got jail time, unlike him since he was nothing but the escape goat, and the person that took all the blame for them.

When he was satisfied he just rinses out the sink before laying down on the bed, hugging the pillow close that still had Sonic's scent on it.

"I'll get better...Blue...I promise" he whispers to himself.

As for Sonic, well he told Tails everything that had happened those past years, since him and Scourge had started dating.

At first it started out so sweetly, with Scourge comforting him from the paparazzi, then him stopping him from just ending everything.

Then the abuse started happening, both with the physical and mental abuse.

"Sonic that sounds terrible..." Miles said as he was trying to comfort his brother.

"I...I, don't know...if I hate him...for hurting me" Sonic admits as he sniffs "Or I still love him...cause of the years we spent together..." he added.

Miles was taken back by Sonic's words, through out the years sure he had his brother to help comfort him throughout the depression, but since he met Scourge the depression started fading cause he was happier with the emerald hedgehog. Miles was about to say something before he looked over at his brother, to find that azure hedgehog had passed out on the couch, he really couldn't blame him, after everything that he's been through.

He just clinches his hands into a fist, when he sees that emerald hedgehog he's gonna show him a piece of his mind for hurting his brother like this.

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