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A female white bat, was walking through the hallways of the G.U.N building, she is wearing a black full body suit, with a light pink heart chest plate over her breasts, a pale purple vest, and white heel boots, with a purple armband. This is Rouge The Bat, one of G.U.N's top agents and friends with Shadow, around her neck is a necklace with a green emerald shard that belonged to the Master Emerald, that was given to her by her own Alpha, to show others that she was marked.

"Ah there you are Agent Rouge" a human dressed in a navy green, with a bunch of military badges on his uniform, white buzz cut hair, and mixed matching eyes. This is Commander Abraham Towe, the leader of G.U.N and an EX Military Leader. "Where is Project Shadow?"

"Dealing with criminal activity, by the shores of Green Hill Coast, just like you asked of us" Rouge stated as she folded her arms.

Since this whole ranking system started, Mobian Trafficking had been rather common for some of the humans, and Alphas, it was the one of the quickest ways to earn money, since the decrease of Human Trafficking, cause of the Mobian Trafficking. G.U.N had to do something about it, since it pictures them as the bad guys.

Towe nodded before he he sat back in his chair, "As for why I called you here, I need this whereabouts about this certain Omega" Towe said as he passes over a file.

Rouge looked down at the file, before her eyes widen at the name that was on the file, she knew this Omega, and his so call relationship with one of G.U.N's most wanted criminal.

"May I ask why?" Rouge said as she hid the fact that she knew the Omega.

"If we have this Omega's Alpha in custody, we can finally be able to take down Mobius' dangerous criminal organization" Towe said as he turns his chair around to the face the window. "When you find this Omega...bring him to headquarters immediately, base on his background, he really shouldn't put up much of a threat"

Rouge only takes the file, and nodded quietly...as much as she didn't want to hurt her friend, but Scourge's gang needed to be stopped...many of Mobians and Humans lives have been at staked, and if Sonic knew the truth about his Alpha he wouldn't have agreed to date him.

She mentally growled underneath her breath, when the commander referred to Sonic as nothing more than just a Omega...even after everything that he done for Mobius, everyone just forgot that he was hero, all because of his rank, even the media talked trashed about the Blue Blur, it was rather a sad to see the public just straight forgot how much of a hero he was. She turned to took her leave from the office. She only hoped that Scourge didn't do anything to harm Sonic...if he did then she was gonna make sure that the emerald hedgehog's life was nothing but hell.

Shadow growled to himself as he clinches his hands into a fist, that Alpha he fought, he had an Omega's scent on him, but not the ones that were getting trafficked, No...one that he personally knew.

"Hey Handsome, I got another mission for us" Rouge smiled.

"Whatever it is I don't want to be apart of it..." Shadow scoffs turning to leave.

"I think you'll change your mind if I tell you who it is" Rouge said as she holds out the file to Shadow.

Shadow raised an eyebrow at the file before a single name stood out to him. "What does he have to do with this?" He growled.

"His boyfriend is one of those leaders of this Criminal Organization, Towe thinks if we take him into custody, the Alpha wouldn't have choice but come and safe him" Rouge said as she puts her hand on her hips.

"Tsk...Like I'll let them lay there hands on him..." Shadow growled as he took the file and walking to the exit of the building.

Rouge followed after the darker hedgehog, she two didn't trust G.U.N...after all with Sonic's mental state...there is no telling how he would be able to handle what G.U.N had plans on getting him to talk.

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