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Sonic was laying on the bed, his body was sore from yesterday's events, he didn't know if he should glad or upset because of Shadow marking him...when he was already marked.

When an Omega is marked...they are permanently marked, which is why Omega's were picky when they chose a mate, others aren't so lucky though it is rare for an omega to have mates...since it always leads to one of the Mates dying to a fight to prove who is the Strongest Alpha, in some cases the Omega ends up dying cause they were trying yo protect other Mate.

Sonic had his tail tucked between his legs, he felt dirty...cause he cheated on Scourge with Shadow, he couldn't control himself...and nor could Shadow.

Why did he run away from Scourge in the first place!?! If hadn't he would've been in this mess, and his Alphas would've be saved from the suffering, like him.

"Why can't I do anything right!?!" He shouted to himself in his mind, he was snapped out his thoughts when the Metal doors to his room slid open, to reveal some guards. He really hoped that no one was watching him and Shadow last night when they were intimate with each other.

Sonic expected himself to be placed inside of a cage, but instead he a pair of handcuffs were places on his wrists and a leash attached to his collar. He only whimpers since he didn't knew if he even stand...his legs were numb like before to the point that he feel one of them, which caused him to panic since he couldn't do the thing that he was good at. The leash was pulled forward causing the hedgehog to stumble a little his legs were shaking underneath his weight, but he just forces himself through the pain.

The azure omega followed behind the Soldiers, he didn't really want to know where he was going because so far it's been nothing but pain and suffering where ever they brought him somewhere. The sound of the metals opening and codes being pressed into the keypads was starting to give the poor omega anxiety.


The hedgehogs ears perked up when he heard name being called, he saw that it was a very stressed out Tails...who looked like he had seen better days, the fox hadn't really slept, or eaten all that much since he was busying himself with trying to figure out how get his brother out of this hellhole...two months and five weeks he's been working so hard.

Sonic didn't really know what was going on...he knew this was some kind of trick...he wasn't getting out this hellhole, not when Towe saw him as a useful tool to control those two alphas. He wanted to so badly cry his heart out...to shout at himself to wake up from this happy dream...but No. this was real.

The fox ran over to him and wrapped his arms around him, "Thank Chaos your still alive..." Tails sobbed.

Sonic wanted to hug his little brother back...but he just couldn't, he mind just didn't think this was real, he's been in isolation for to long that he was starting to hallucinate...his own freedom.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

And that he was...

The poor hedgehog, was huddled in the corner of his room sobbing to himself, his body had some fresh wounds from the physical training he was force through, his quills were raised in defense...two months and five weeks had passed since his capture, and that hope for freedom. Had gotten the poor omega to start hallucinate, until a noise or a certain human would show up in his hallucinations that he would snap back into reality.

It still didn't help that he felt dirty...for cheating on Scourge with Shadow, that he just felt as if he deserved this treatment, how could he be worthy of being both Alphas mates when he cheated on the other one.

The hedgehog flinches when the metal doors opened to his room, he really couldn't stop tears from the streaming his face or the fearful look on his face.


"N-No...Stay back!!" Sonic whimpered out as he backs away from the figure, this time he knew this wasn't an hallucination, it's just that his memory had completely faded. He felt a pair of arms wrap around him in comforting way.

It wasn't long before guards started to storm the room, and the figure that was comforting Sonic, had removed the collar from his neck, to his understanding only G.U.N employees and Soldiers knew the code to get it off of him, then the smell of women perfume hit his nose.

"Your...Alphas are waiting...if you can run, and don't look back" Jaiden said as she pulled away from Sonic, the hedgehog didn't know what to say...nor did he want the only human in this hellhole to get killed, but he sniffs and just bolted away from the guards, his legs were numb but he was filled with adrenaline to keep him going, his ears quickly pinned when heard gunshot in the distance.

Jaiden had been the only Human that treated him with kindness during his stay here...she gave the Alphas extra time to spend with Sonic, feed him extra meals, and time away from those Scientists, and yet she knew the consequences of for helping Sonic.

The blaring alarms were going off in the place while Sonic ran through the halls, he was fast than any metal door that tried to shut itself.


Sonic saw the G.U.N Soldiers block his path, he didn't know what to do...as if he had completely forgot how to attack, before a pair of hands grabbed a hold of his arm. "Sonic Hun...I need to curl for me" Rouge said.

Sonic swallowed the lump in his throat and nodded Rouge quickly dodge some bullets before she throw the hedgehog at the guards, who curled himself into a ball, clearing the path.

This was his only chance of escaping, this hellhole...if it wasn't for Jaiden, he would've been sent back to his chamber awaiting for his punishment.

It wasn't long before Sonic and Rouge met up with Shadow and Scourge. The hedgehog didn't really want to see Scourge at the moment...not when he felt disgusted with himself, but the two Alphas weren't worried about that...no they were only worried about the plan that they had formed with Jaiden when they were kept away from Sonic doing those weeks.

"Well well...I never thought Dr. Stone would betray me like that?"

Sonic froze as he heard Towe voice, his body started to shaking when he saw the human.

"You knew you were gonna get away with this!" Scourge snapped.

"To be honest...I expected it to be a lot sooner" Towe admits.

"Well forgive me! For doing all you fucking duty work, while you had my Omega, as prisoner" Scourge argued back, as he balls his hands into a fist.

Before Towe could order his guards, The Mobian group had grabbed a hold of Sonic.

"CHAOS CONTROL!!" Shadow shouted.

And with a flash the group was gone, Towe only scoffs as his Soldiers lower their guns. He'll let them have the satisfaction of Freedom, before hunting them down again...he had to admit their determination on keeping Sonic out of harm's way was rather interesting.

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