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You are unhappy with yourself and the boys compliment you.

A compliment is a favorable, friendly expression: A person highlights something to another person that the first person likes or has noticed positively about the other person.


Y/N's view

Unsatisfied, I looked at myself in the mirror.

I gently stroked the material of my dress, so that it lay smoothly on my skin. The boys and I had decided to go out for dinner at a restaurant today.

And where we were going, I couldn't just show up with pants on. For this reason, I had on a tight black dress and black high heels. For this outfit I had taken a long time, because normally I did not feel comfortable in dresses.

Even more so in tight and figure-fitting dresses. The dress went just before my knees and had thin straps, which were covered with glitter stones. My hair I had straightened and left open. Finally, I put on some jewelry and put on some makeup.

And now I was still standing in front of the mirror and looked at myself. I felt uncomfortable and was not satisfied.

Because the dress was short, you could see my legs. Were they always this fat? And my skin tone wasn't pretty to look at either.

I turned on my side for a moment and looked at myself in the mirror. I put my hands on my stomach. Had I gained weight? Even though I was dieting, I had gained weight. At least you could see a little bulge.

I slowly took my hands away from my belly and pulled the end of the dress down a bit. I then turned my back to the mirror. Great. I didn't even look good from behind. My eyes fell on my butt. You could almost think I didn't have one at all, since it was so flat.

I turned around again with a sigh. My motivation sank very quickly and so slowly I did not want to go. I was really unhappy with myself. Should I change my clothes again? Or should I leave it on? Maybe I should pretend to be sick, then the boys would possibly go alone.

"Y/N", I heard Jin call my name from downstairs.

"HURRY UP. WE WANT TO GO", Jeongguk called impatiently.

Oh crap. I had totally forgotten the time. Surely the boys must have been waiting for me for a long time. Undecided, I looked in the mirror one last time. Never mind.

I turned around and took my small bag, which was lying on my bed. My jacket was already downstairs, so now I could go downstairs.

After I had it, I walked towards the door. With every step I heard my high heels knocking on the floor. With my two hands I held my bag in front of my stomach. I didn't like people to see my figure because I wasn't happy with it. In my opinion, I hardly had anything to show.

I had also only put on the dress because it was actually one of the best and I wasn't allowed to wear fabric pants. Hopefully the boys wouldn't laugh or look at me funny. That would be very embarrassing.

In my mind, I walked down the hall and didn't notice that I had almost reached the stairs. The stairs led directly into the living room, where I could already hear the boys' voices.

"Where is she?", asked Taehyung and breathed out loud.

"I'm sure she'll be here soon", Hoseok replied with a smile.

"Sure? Don't you want me to just carry her down?", suggested Jeongguk.

"Oh no. You stay here nicely. Besides, she just needs more time, so we'll wait", Jin immediately returned.

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