Chapter 8: Moving equipment, knowing Vaqueros and a Chameleon

Start from the beginning

141: ...

Ghost: Nice going idiots.

Blake: You destroyed a White Fang warehouse!?

Ghost: We did our orders, nothing more, nothing less.

Blake: Why couldn't you just arrest them!?

With them discussing why they destroyed the warehouse, let's head down to Alpha and Bravo.

Elm: So how much damage can that do?

Motya who had a non-loaded RPG out was inspecting it.

Motya: Enough to take down your Bullheads I believe.

Elm: T-that's pretty powerful.

Motya: Da.

With Harriet and Julius.

Julius: So, what did you think of the mission?

Harriet: You were pretty good, I'll admit.

Julius: Thanks, it wasn't our best run. But we can do better.

Harriet: Then I'll be excited to see then.

With Nick, and Todd who were watching the 2 duos talking.

Nick: You think they might fall in love with each other?

Todd: With how this is going, yes.

Nick: Well, then new question.

Todd: What's up?

Nick: How long do you think it would take for them to start dating?

Todd: Hmm, if they stay here, maybe 2 weeks to a month, give or take.

Nick: I can see that.

RWBY, NPR, and 141 then looked around to see Los Vaqueros.

Ruby: Look it's... uh...

Weiss: Los Vaqueros.

Ruby: Right, let's go talk to them!

Yang: Sure!

As all of them walked to Los Vaqueros, Gaz saw Winter.

Gaz: I saw Winter guys, Ima go talk to her.

Weiss: Wait my sister is here!

Gaz: Right, this entire time you 2 surprisingly never saw each other.

Weiss: You knew!

Gaz: Of course, we did a mission together, now let's go talk to her.

Weiss: Y-yeah...

Soap: Don't forget to tell Winter ye love her!

Weiss: What!?

Gaz: Shut your mouth, Soap!

Gaz and Weiss walked over to Winter.

Weiss: What did he mean!

Gaz: N-nothing!

The two then saw Winter walking to them.

Gaz: Hey Winter.

Weiss glared a Gaz yelling inside her head.

Weiss: 'Don't think I'll forget this!'

Winter then greeted a nervous Gaz with an angry look Weiss.

Winter: Hello again Gaz, hello Weiss.

Weiss: How are you?

Winter: I'm doing decent.

Gaz: Why are you be yourself?

Winter: W-well... I may be respected, but I don't have that many friends...

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