The young woman tapped at the device on the neck.

"While an escape plan isn't in the immediate future, it would be nice to know that you can move freely without me getting hurt. Because when we're ready to go, I'd like to leave a nice parting gift for all this trouble I'm going through."

The Aether hummed in agreement. It wrapped around the young woman's shoulders in a comforting manner. A hand reached up to almost pet the dark matter. It purred under her touch, like a kitten.

"I'm glad I have you here at least. Otherwise, this would've been a lot more terrifying. And I would've never made it out of that arena alive." She sighed, removing the helmet. "I miss Thor. And the rest of the team. Bruce may be here, but I haven't been able to see him yet. It'll be hard to talk to him with so many eyes and ears for the Grandmaster around."


With the both of them being champions, Hulk and Anya never went up against one another in the ring. Not that it was out of the question. The young woman figured the Grandmaster would save a rematch for a rainy day in the future. She never went against the lower ranking gladiators. Which spared Silna from another match up. Instead, the human was fighting those in the tier just below her own. Fighters that wished to challenge the elected champions. None stood a chance. Especially those that went up against Bruce. The Hulk beat them into the dirt without hesitation with no hesitation in his kills. Whereas, the agent was more lenient still towards those unable to defend themselves further. Which was how Anya came to the conclusion that Bruce was completely dormant inside the green giant. He'd never accept this kind of brutality. Nor survive on Sakaar this whole time alone and in control of his body.

When at the training grounds, it was the only time Anya could converse with Silna. Sometimes they'd pair up to friendly spar. Yet the Hulk never came down. Then when did he train?

There was a knock at the door one morning. The only part of the day where Anya had off. It was a servant, someone she hadn't seen before.

"You've been requested to come to the private training hall," the purple skinned alien spoke.

"Private training hall?" Anya questioned. "By who?"

"The Hulk."

He had asked for her? Since when could Hulk talk? Unless the theory had been wrong about Bruce being dormant...

"Give me a moment."

Anya quickly dressed in lighter gear for training and brought along the batons in a weapon's belt. The attendant led her to an unfamiliar part of the facility. This training hall was larger and nicer than the one typically used on the lower levels. Hulk was there lifting oversized weights. And he wasn't alone. The alien bowed before taking her leave.

A woman stood there beside the green giant as a coach of sorts.

"Come on, is that the best you've got?" she questioned. "I saw you lift twice as much last week. Don't tell me that Troll Lord actually gave you a hard time."

Her head turned and noticed their guest.

"Huh, you actually came. You know, when big guy here told me he wanted to invite someone into his practices, I thought he was joking. Obviously, I now owe him some units because I didn't believe him."

She had a dark skin and the build of a warrior. Her black hair was tied back out of the face, where there were white markings around the eyes and forehead. She wore black armor with various weapons on her person. Anya didn't doubt that there were a few hidden items as well.

Book 4: Arcane [Thor]Where stories live. Discover now