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Arya's POV

I hiss in pain as feeling comes back into my limbs. Blood was splattering the seat. Eleanor was sitting by my head with my head in her lap.

"Are you okay Arya?" Daniella asks me from the seat behind mine.

"Does it look like I'm okay???????????" I hiss at her. A fresh wave of pain flows over me. I moan. Something knocks against the window and keeps on doing.

"It's one of the vampires!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! VAL!!!!!!!!! Stop the van!!!!!!" Daniella yells to Val. She slams on the brakes, nearly knocking me off of the seat. I hiss as some shards of glass bury themselves deeper into my flesh. Who ever was at the door, throws the door open.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!!!!!!!!!" Rebecca's voice yelps. "AMESTHYST!!!!!!!!!! DO SOME THING!!!!!!!!!" Blood kept on flowing out of any opened patch of flesh. Things were starting to go blurry. My vision was fading in and out. Things were starting to go black.

"Someone needs to.....down meanwhile......some medicine into her. She's into......right now for me to not.....it to....." Her voice kept on zoning in and out. Someone had grabbed onto me gently and was holding me down. Something sharp was injected into my wrist. I screamed in even more pain as some sort of liquid was ejected from the sharp thing. Things were going blurry. Everything suddenly went pitch black.

Zayn's POV

I stared at the matted, furry figure who's purple blood was spilling. Liam morphed into his human form and went up to James. "Thank you. How did you know that we needed help?" Liam asked him.

"It was nothing. We could hear the vameroul from far away. They're such noisy creatures. Are all of you all right?" James said while looking at the rest of us.

Liam had already checked us out before so he answered, "Yes, and by the way, that reminds me of something. Where and how did you manage to get a vameroul tamed some-what????" Liam asked him. We all were wondering that as well.

"We can talk about that later. Arya's hurt, remember?" I interrupt them. Liam turns to look me in the eye. He nods briefly and then turns back to James.

"Zayn's right. Arya is hurt. And badly from what we saw before we got the girls to get her away from here." Liam reminds me, looking at me dead in the eye.

"Then Amesthyst, Rebecca, and Elizabeth should have caught up to them now. We could split our group in half and have half of us go back to our home meanwhile the other half goes to the girls. The girls might need help getting Arya back for some reason and they will need protection just in case another vameroul appears out of nowhere. You know how vamerouls have a bad habit of doing that." He added. Liam nods in agreement.

Liam turns to face us and says, "Niall and Zayn you two will go back to James' coven's home. Harry and Louis will come with me to find the girls. Before you protest Zayn. It's for the best. There's blood spilling from Arya and it's probably smearing all over the girls. Making them look like a tasty treat. The last time you and Niall hunted was about a week ago. I don't want to take any chances." Everyone nods in response meanwhile I nod hesitantly. I look back to where Liam, Harry, Louis are shifting. Liam glances at me for a second before he leaps ahead of Louis and Harry.

"Come Zayn. They'll make sure Arya survives." Niall tries to comfort me. I sign and look over to James.

"Let's go" I tell them all briefly before I race ahead with my heart falling apart with every step I take away from Arya.

Arya's POV

The creature leaped out at me again, trying to pin me down. My wolf snarls at him as we try to bite the creature's head off. We can't keep on fighting this battle Arya!!! Our wounds are too deep to continue on!!! We'll die if another shows up!!! We've already fought and killed five of them since you escaped from your mortal wounds on your body!!! One mistake and we will surely perish!! My wolf howled at me. While our concentration was lapsed, the creature, or the vameroul as my wolf hissed many times while we were fighting, swiped at our hind leg with his six filthy, long sharp claws on his right hand. We both howled in pain and took the opportunity to leap onto the vameroul and bite his head off. We spat the out of our mouth trying to get the vile taste of its blood out of our mouth. We stared at the vameroul taking in its features. It's head resembled one of a bear, but with a shorter muzzle. Its length was over seven feet. Six claws emerged from one hand and the other hand only had three blood smothered claws, as a result of our fight. Two low pitched growls came from the other side of the forest that surround us. Two pairs blood red unblinking eyes full of hate stared at my wolf and the now six other corpses of the vamerouls that were trying to kill us. The two vamerouls crept out of the forest simultaneously and stalked up my wolf and I. We growled in warning, not wanting to have to face another fight. They both hiss and launch themselves at us.

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